We are quite partial to a Mexican meal in our household. Generally we gravitate towards nachos, tacos, enchiladas and / or burritos, and funnily enough we tend to only eat Mexican food in Summer, the reason behind that I think is because we eat it or serve it with a size of salad. So when the team at Farrah's sent me some of their Midwinter Mexican Sizzling Fajita Spice Mix to try, I was excited.. Firstly because **confession** I haven't tried Fajita's before and secondly … [Read more...]
Chux – Helping this Mum clean since 2013
With all the thrills and spills of two young kiddies it’s no wonder Chux is my life saver. Steve and I firmly believe in including Sebastian and Isabelle with everyday life, in letting them ‘help’, EVEN if that ‘helping’ means making more of a mess. You will often find Sebastian ‘helping’ us in the kitchen whether it’s doing dishes (with lots of bubbles) or baking. These Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins are a hit in our household especially with Sebastian who makes it his thing to … [Read more...]