Sebastian loves his little headphones, so much so that he will wear them even if he has nothing to listen to on them. So it was just a little bit exciting when the CD ‘Eardrop’s Journey: Sounds of the City’ arrived on our doorstep.
‘Eardrop’s Journey: Sounds of the City’ is a half an hour story that features real life or real world sounds. Sebastian loved going on a journey with Eardrop to deliver the boxes and discover the sounds, especially when they were all sounds which appeal to a transport loving little boy.
There are three different CD’s you can get – Sounds of the Country; Sounds of the City and Sounds of the Home, all of which take your child on a journey of discovery of everyday sounds. Suitable from ages 1 to 4 years it is a fun way for children to hear and experience real life sounds.
We had lots of fun listening, talking, looking and playing along with Eardrop on his Journey. Sebastian loved all the trucks, diggers and helicopter noises and went off to find toys that he had that were the ‘same’.
As a Mum I love that the story of ‘Eardrop’ the rabbit will grow with Sebastian and over time he will get both more and different things out of it, whilst developing some very important skills along the way.
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