We have had a pretty eventful few weeks with Sebastian and I taking a trip with my parents to Adelaide to see my Aunty and our Australian family. It was nice to see and catch up with everyone and for them to meet Sebastian. Sebastian was a real gem flying which was a relief as you never really know how they are going to go until the day and it was his first time on a plane, so very exciting! We have also been lucky enough to see bubs for the first time as last week we had our anatomy scan. And NO we did not find out the sex. It will be a surprise come lil gooseberries birthday (whenever they decide that will be). It was really neat to see our little one. It really makes the whole thing seem real (not that it doesn’t seem real already) but even MORE real. Plus, Steve hasn’t been able to make it to our midwife appointments due to work commitments so it was neat for him to see and hear baby.
How far along: 20 weeks and 2 days (I tend to write these updates on the weekend and the weeks are counted Thursday to Thursday)
Baby is the size of: As big as a Honey Dew Melon or the length of a Banana (approx. 16.5cm, weighing approx. 250-300grams) Still being measured form head to bottom.
Feeling: Great! I seem to have mastered the fine balancing act of doing just enough but not too much so I end up feeling sick and tired again. That being said, some days the scales are tipped and I end up crashing at naptime with Sebastian. I’m ok with that though, growing a baby is hard work and hard work requires a rest every now and then.
Symptoms: I am still combating heartburn, I get the feeling it is sticking around for the duration this time. So find it easiest to eat smaller meals; avoid garlic and tomato based meals as they seem to be a trigger. Chocolate too is a trigger but there is no was I’m giving that up!
Enjoying: I am LOVE, LOVE, LOVING feeling baby move. Lil Gooseberry doesn’t feel as active as I remember Sebastian being but then I didn’t have a toddler last time so my focus was solely on my bump. I am also loving my pregnancy body, don’t get me wrong there have been moments of self conscious nakedness but all and all I am embracing my body – veiny boobs, touching thighs, the lot!
Craving: I am still craving chocolate although not to the same degree as I was a couple of months or even weeks ago, and I have fallen partial egg sandwiches too. No new cravings at this point.
Missing: A glass or two of wine and yummy soft cheeses – still. I have taken to sniffing Steve’s beer a couple of times, and I don’t even like beer normally!
Looking forward to: We have a pretty full on couple of weeks ahead of us with Steve’s 40th birthday celebrations. We I am also in the throws of tackling some DIY / makeover / upcycling projects for Sebastian’s new big boy room. Of course, it is always lovely to catch up with my midwife as that means we get to hear baby.
You can read more about lil Gooseberry here:
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