As most of you know I am pregnant and expecting Lil Gooseberry (baby #2) to make his / her appearance into this world anytime from now really. Today, marks 38 weeks pregnant and I couldn’t be any more excited (if I was still capable of jumping up and down without peeing myself, I would).
Originally, when I found out I was expecting Lil Gooseberry I had these grand plans of getting ahead and all organised with my blog and having posts lined up for you all right up until pretty much my due date. However, the universe and nature has its own way of saying enough is enough and that grand plan hasn’t eventuated. Yes, I could keep spitting out posts until the end but I would be doing just that and they wouldn’t be the quality I want.
Plus, my body is saying enough. It wants me to spend some time sitting down feet up on the couch indulging in those last few quiet moments before life as we have come to know it changes. It wants me to rest and relax, heck I want that too! Because of this, it is ‘time for a break’ from my blog. Time to rest during Sebastian’s nap. Time to enjoy those last few days or weeks as a family of three. Time to enjoy Sebastian, just him and I – take a few last minute trips to the park, bake Christmas cookies, paint, make Christmas cards, have Christmassy fun together and enjoy a few fluffy dates. Time to enjoy the festive season with my family (hopefully, the four of us). And finally, time to enjoy and adjust to life as a family of four. Steve is taking some time off over Christmas so I’m making the most of this time together before figuring out a new normal – Sebastian, Lil Gooseberry and myself.
In saying that… I will still be around, you cant get rid of me that easily, there will be the odd blog post going up as and when I can manage. I also have some fabulous guest bloggers lined up to treat you all in the New Year and with social media I will never be far away – you can bet your bottom dollar there will be a certain element of baby spam happening. So to make sure you keep up to date with everything on the blog sign up to receive posts by email – I promise I won’t bombard you with emails all day long (next year I will be moving to a newsletter so to stay in the loop and be the first to know what’s happening, pop your email address in over there on the right); OR join us on any one ALL of our social media sites – / / / as I will still be alive and kicking on them.
Thank you for all your love and support; I look forward to introducing you all to the newest addition of our family in the coming weeks!
Makes me a little sad reading this as I know how much you love your blog and writing but it’s fabulous you’re allowing yourself to rest leading up to baby making his/her entrance into the world. My body told me also when to stop and I just couldn’t keep going even when I tried I was forced to rest. Enjoy the peace and quiet and the last moments of just you and Sebastian. Things will change a lot again for you guys but you will soon adjust and it will all be as it should be. Sending big hugs my friend. xxx
Aw 🙁 Thanks for your on going love and support my friend, it has been immeasurable and I truly value our friendship. xoxox
Enjoy every minute of it Lydia – you totally deserve it! Treasure this time with Sebastian because soon , you will be a family of four and there will be new memories to be made 🙂 Much love and respect from one mummy blogger to another! Look forward to baby spam . x
Aw, thanks Charlene. It was a hard decision to make but it is only a break and I will be back in full force in no time.
I am making the most of these final few days / weeks with my little man 🙂 xx