“With lots of new faces joining this little space in recent weeks I thought it was time to give a bit of an introduction. Yes, I know you could go and read the ‘About Me’ section but what about a more detailed version? Who really is Lydia – the face behind / of Always Made With Love?”
This is ME! I am wifey to Steve, stay at home Mummy to Sebastian and Mumma to be. I am a daughter and a sister. I am a granddaughter, a niece, an aunty, a cousin and a friend.
Always Made With Love is my space, my corner of the internet. My way of sharing my hopes and dreams. It is a place to create, have fun, make friends and mistakes, learn and grow. It is a place to explore and share our life, my family. Our day to day happenings and my day to day ramblings.
I am a girly girl, living in a house filled with boys. I love all things pretty – frills, bows, candles, flowers, girly colours, lots of cushions, pillows on our bed, dinner parties and pretty stationery. I love making our house a home, filling it with love and memories. I love my boys. I love my family.
Our house is a home. We have crumbs. We have washing. We have toys. We have muddy paw prints on the windows. But, we live and we have fun! We jump in puddles whatever the weather, play in the rain. We get mucky. We make and create. We explore. We learn and grow. Together. It is a busy home with a toddler, cat and puppy. Throw into the mix a baby at the end of the year and it is going to be even busier. There will be more toys and more stuff. But there will also be more to life. More to love. Our family, our home and my heart will be full. Overflowing!
I don’t claim to have it all together. I make mistakes. But I try. I do my best. I am the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, aunty, cousin and friend that I can be. Some days my best nails it, others days I am still a work in progress. But I try, boy, do I try.
This is me. Raw. Unedited – the mummy tummy, the stretch marks, the small boobs and the thighs that touch.
I am perfectly imperfect. I am imperfectly perfect.
I am all of the above and more. Much, much more. Stick around there is so much more for us to share.
Beautiful post, momma! And congratulations on the baby to be! This is a wonderful space, you’ve made it very inviting and a fun place to be! I’ll definitely be coming back again and again!
Aw, thank you Angela. Such lovely feedback. Am popping over to check you out now xx
Beautifully written Lydia! xxx
Thanks Tegan xx
Lovely to get a little insight Lydia! Your blog is beautiful by the way x
Lovely to meet you!
And you too Sammie xx
Lovely to meet you Lydia. It feels like we’ve popped in for a cup of tea and met you and your gorgeous family x
Lovely to meet you too Jo, I do hope I served cake with that cup of tea 😉 xx
I am visiting from the Sundays Down Under linkup. What a lovely little corner of the internet you have here! Have a great day!
Hi Stacy, Thank you that’s very kind of you to say. Popping over to you now xx
Oh lovely to meet you, I’m mad about a DIY or two, off to check out more of your stuff. x
Thanks for stopping by Sarah, I hope you find lots more things you enjoy xx
What a beautiful post Lydia! Love it. I too LOVE lots of pillows on my bed and am a complete girlie girl. xx
Us girls have to stick together especially in our homes filled with boys (don’t get me wrong… I love all my boys!) xx