“Today one of my blogging friends, the gorgeous Maria from Pastels & Macarons is joining us to share a fabulous little DIY she recently did. As a child I remember having so much fun blowing bubbles and doing artwork. Well, today Maria is combining both with Bubble Art. I can honestly say I can not wait to give this a go, I mean how cute would this look as wrapping paper for gifts, and I can definitely envisage some framed pieces making their way into our home (I’m thinking babies nursery!?).”
I’m thrilled to be guest blogging for my lovely friend Lydia today here on Always Made With Love. My name is Maria and I blog over at Pastels & Macarons a lifestyle/DIY blog for mums and children.
Today I have a quick, easy, super fun and very cute DIY for you.
I decided to give bubble art a go. Do you remember back when you where a kid and you got soapy water in a container and then went crazy blowing into it with a straw and it just seemed to be the most fun you ever? Well that’s pretty much the concept behind it but with a lot more precision. I’ve got to say I found it to be a very fun project and I think it would be fabulous to do it with your child or children. I wouldn’t recommend it for toddlers though, as you really don’t want them drinking the mix and it may get messy but hey, if you feel your child (whatever age they may be) is up to it then go for it!
What you will need for your DIY Bubble Art project:
- Thick paper or card stock. I recommend at least 200gsm
- Acrylic Paint of your choice
- A few plastic straws
- Bubble Mix
- Containers (to mix paint and bubbles)
- Scissors
- Glue
Alright, so now that you have all your supplies we can move on to the fun stuff.
First thing I did was to mix the bubble mix with my desired colours. I chose simple elementary colours and did a mix of warm and cool colours. I mixed about 5 tablespoon of bubble mix per colour. Don’t be too light handed because if you don’t add enough paint your bubbles will turn out far too light and you won’t be able to see them too well. I added about half a teaspoon of paint to 5 tablespoons of bubble mix and found that to be a good amount. Some colours may require more paint to give them more depth.
Once I had my mix ready I chose the colours I wanted on my first painting and started slowly blowing individual bubbles. I made sure they would form nice and big and then would place the bubble on to the page. The bubbles either instantly popped or they sat on the page for a little bit before popping. If you have a few stubborn bubbles then you can pop them yourself. The pop of the bubble is very cool as it send paint flying in all directions and each bubble is left with its own unique look. I wanted a messy, scattered finish because I knew I was going to cut my paper later on.
Once you have finished making all the colour combinations you want then leave them to dry. If you’re doing this DIY with children I suggest either have them in their underwear or have a paint gown on them because it does get messy and there is lots of splatter in the end. Outside would probably be more ideal also if you don’t wish to end up with paint all over your house.
Once your bubble paintings are completely dry you can either frame them into your desired frames or you can cut them into shapes and make cool wall art for your kids rooms, play room or even an adult space.
Here’s what I did;
I decided on the painting I wanted to cut out. I’m all into hearts and fruits at the moment so I decided to cut a heart and a pineapple out for fun. I drew my shapes on each page then cut them out. I then proceeded to glue them with basic craft glue on to white card stock. You can choose to stick them on to coloured card stock also if that is more the look you’re going for.
Once I completed this step I found a couple of frames I had and voila! Done.
Super easy huh? I was surprised at how cute it ended up looking. The possibilities of how you can display your bubble art is endless. You could try cutting out circles or another fun shape and make a cute garland for your child’s room or stick some shapes to card stock and fold to make a special occasion or birthday card.
Hope you give this simple DIY a go and if you do or if you have done this before let me know how it went!
Follow Maria and Pastels & Macarons – Blog / / / /
Loved guest blogging for you today! Thank you so much for having me my lovely friend! Glad you enjoyed it. xx
What a cute idea 🙂 that looks like lots of fun for kids! #ibot
My girls are massive fans of bubbles and painting. They will love this. Thanks. #teamIBOT
I cant wait to try it myself Renee. Thanks for stopping by xx
These turned out adorable, I love the shapes in a frame, both of them, but the heart really turned out cool! Thanks for sharing, it looks like fun.
Oooh, I can see this giving my kids hours of fun come school holiday time. 🙂
I would have to agree with you Deb, hours of fun to be had with this one. And so many things you can do with the final finished product xx
That looks so cool! I love this idea. My older kids would have a ball doing something like this.
Thanks Jess! I think this is an activity that would appeal to all ages 🙂 xx
What a beautiful craft activity! Gorgeous photos too Maria! It’s a shame that it’s raining today, I don’t think I will try this one inside with the triplets, paint all over the house would certainly happen!
Gosh Caitlin I think on a fine day would definitely be best. I for one am not game to try inside with little people. Myself on the other hand I can’t wait xxx
Yes, whatever you do never do this activity inside with kids Caitlin!!!! Thank you for your lovely compliments! 🙂 xxx
I love this! It looks like fun and the finished product is beautiful. Such a great idea!
Thanks Francesca. I think there are so many ways you could use an activity like this in your home xx
Thank you Francesca! It’s a great way to make some pretty art for you house on the cheap also! x
I love how this turned out! This would be so cute in a kids room!
I totally agree Stephanie, cant wait to do some for the nursery xx
What is bubble mix?
Bubble mix is bubble blowing solution, available from most department stores I imagine xx