Welcome friends to our fortnightly series showcasing some of the awesome Mum’s who are not just raising fab families but who are also in business for themselves. Every fortnight I’ll share a cuppa (so to speak) with an awesome Mum and learn a bit more about the face behind their business. Personally, I am always intrigued and in awe by those running businesses – the how, the why. I firmly believe that “when you support small business, you’re supporting a dream”. So join us each fortnight as we support each other; as we support a dream!
Today, we have the lovely Laura from joining us. Another lovely Mum who I once again meet through the wonderful world of social media (although this time I think it was ). For those of you who are new to Dream Ruby Boutique, Laura creates the most gorgeous handmade babies and children’s clothing and accessories. From dresses to peplum tops; rompers to suspender skirts; flutter tops; shorts and bloomers; harem pants; hoodies and beanies.
Isabelle currently only owns three items from Dream Ruby Boutique – a seaside romper, dress and there is a suspender skirt sitting on Laura’s sewing table at this moment. I say ONLY because I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times I have scrolled through her items and material options imagining adding them to her wardrobe. I’m Steve’s lucky there is no ‘add to cart’ option 😉
There is something special about buying handmade, you just know that what you buy is special. Is filled with and made with love. If you haven’t popped on over and checked out Dream Ruby Boutique yet then I strongly suggest you do. Just… don’t forget to come back here and find out more about the rad Mum creating all this gorgeousness.
Tell us a bit about yourself, Laura
I am a mum to a gorgeous wee 2 year old called Lila and partner to Clemens. Before creating Dream Ruby Boutique and becoming a mum I was a teacher at an Intermediate. I still teach as a reliever in various schools but spend most of my time now with Lila and sewing
Where did the name Dream Ruby Boutique come from?
Ruby is my daughter’s middle name and my Great Gran’s name. I wanted to include Ruby somehow but couldn’t come up with anything so Clemens typed it into a business name Generator. When Dream Ruby came up we thought it was perfect as I only sew when Lila is sleeping.
What made you decide to start your own business?
I enjoy sewing and wanted to be able to earn money while staying at home with Lila for as long as possible
Seeing customers ideas come to life – they tell me what fabric and item they want and I love seeing the end result, as well as their reaction when they first see it!
Do you have a favourite item you have created? What is it?
Hmm.. I think the peplum tops would be a favourite.
When your not working on your business, what do you find yourself doing?
Most of my time is spent with Lila, at the playground or playing at home. On the weekends we like to go on family outings to the beach or pools. I will also be back relief teaching more this year.
A lot of my readers are Mums who will spend on their children but forget about themselves, do you have any pearls of wisdom for them…
I’m guilty of this too so I’m not sure I have the answer! I guess to make sure you do one thing for yourself each day, even if that’s sitting down with a cup of coffee or watching your favourite programme when you think you should be cleaning etc.

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