I love having a look at how people choose to style their home; which pieces they pick to go where; how much or how little they add to the space; what colour palate the decide to go with. I feel it gives you a truer sense of who they really are, you can really see their personality shine through.
Sebastian’s nursery is one of my most favourite rooms in our house. It is a constant reminder of how precious time really is, as I know all too soon we will be changing his room to a ‘big boy’ toddler room. In fact I am pinning ideas like mad as this goes up. I love the fact we have kept his nursery a ‘little boys’ room as he is only this little for such a short time. There will be years and years for him to have that ‘big boys’ racing car bedroom that Daddy so wants him to have.
My Aunty in Australia made the cot quilt for Sebastian and I absolutely love it. It is lovely and snuggly and fits the room perfectly. In fact the rest of the room was styled around it. My mum and I pulled the colours for the bunting from the quilt and I painted the canvas with little feet to match the same blue.
Steve made the shelves / bookcase just inside the door to perfectly fit the space and is a great place to add nick nacks and personalise the room some more. There is the blue teddy from his Great Nana; personalised engraved money box from his Aunty and cousins; some favourite soft toys; a selection of books and the all important collection of trucks (which EVERY boys needs in easy playing reach).
The tops of his drawers have been kept simple: the bunny from my baby shower nappy cake with blue ribbon to coordinate (of course); B.A.B.Y letters also from baby shower which will be used for number two when the time comes and some wooden cars which were his Daddy’s. I was super excited to add these to his room not so long ago and he loves playing with them. They are at just the perfect spot where he can get them down.
I love it. I love the touches of handmade, of new and old. To me, its the perfect little boys room. What do you think of Sebastian’s nursery / bedroom? Have you posted about your kids rooms? Leave me the link, I’d love to have a look – maybe even get some inspiration for his ‘big boy’ room.
***Now to clear up any confusion… His room doesn’t always look this tidy, I did a quick ‘lick and a promise clean’ to rehouse any books and toys which made their way out, back into the wardrobe before Steve took these while I entertained Sebastian in the lounge so he couldn’t help***
Aw it really is lovely. Taylor is still in with us at the moment until we move into our new house next month, so I’m also looking for inspiration for his new room! This is lovely, I love the bunting!
Aw, thank you. I love look at what others do for inspiration – there are so many neat ideas out there. You just have to find what works for you.
Look forward to seeing what you do when you move in xx
The colors in this room flow together so well. Very complimentary! So cute the “baby” blocks!
Aw, thank you. We choose them to match the quilt my Auntie made xx
Sebastian’s nursery is absolutely adorable!!
I love the bunting, so sweet.
Thanks for sharing. I love getting a peek at people’s homes.
Thanks Jennifer
Credit for the bunting goes to my Mum
I love having a little looksee too xx
Love the nursery! My son has the same teddy cloth thingie (the brown one in his cot) – he loves it. Also getting ready to make the move into big boy toddler room – I keep putting it off tho! I love all white furniture in kiddies rooms! It makes the other colours pop!
Thanks Hun!
They are cute aye, Sebastian LOVES his and wouldn’t be without is.
Good on you for making the move to ‘big boy’ room. Cant wait to see how you go xx
This is a gorgeous post Lydia. Love those old timber cars of your husbands. I love those shelves your husband made too. This link is to a post from my early blogging days but very appropriate, our baby went into a big girls bed! http://zamamabakes.com/the-big-girls-bed-has-arrived/
Thanks Danielle.
I had so much fun putting his room together, collecting all the little bits and pieces.
Your ‘baby’s’ room is too cute. Sebastian will be moving into a big bed later this year – I hope it goes as smoothly as your transition did.
Have a great week xx
What an absolutely gorgeous nursery Lydia. You are making my ovaries ache 🙂 Enjoy your long weekend hun and thanks for linking up with us for the Weekend Rewind xx
Aw, thank you 🙂
Thanks for hosting a lovely link up xx
Aww, I love Sebastian’s nursery! It’s adorable. I love the bunting, I’m a sucker for decorative bunting. The shelves are a great idea too, I’m on the look out for something similar. xx
Aw, thanks hun. I loved putting his room together so much. I had seen some chelves similar years ago and wanted them so lucky for me hubby made some xx