A few weeks ago I decided to ‘push pause’ for just a little while..
I can see you thinking, this is life Lydia, you can’t just go pushing pause. And I DO know that. But there was one area of my life which I was able to ‘push pause’ on for a little while and that was my blog. The reason being, I had noticed myself being increasingly overwhelmed and stressed abut this little space. I felt like I was not able to give it everything I wanted to and in doing so felt like everything was taking a bit of a nose dive. I was / am very aware a new member is joining our family at the end of the year and I want to make the most of this time (right now) with Sebastian. I also had a collection of DIY / craft projects piling up in various stages in our home office. I wanted to start on Sebastian’s new bedroom, as well as planning and prepping for baby. I felt like nothing was happening and when it was, well it wasn’t being finished. So with some family birthdays coming up and a pile of things on my to-do list, I decided it was time to ‘push pause’.
As soon as I made the decision, I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
I was able to refocus and reconnect with what I had been wanting to do, previously I had started to feel like this was no longer a hobby. It was becoming a chore. It was becoming work. And that was in no way the idea behind it.
During the first week, I completely stayed away from my blog and anything blog related. Yes, I posted on social media but that was it. Instead, I read a book I had been meaning to in ages, sat with my feet up, baked cupcakes, painted my nails, tidied the house, enjoyed naptimes as me time and then enjoyed even more the time when Sebastian was awake. We made new play dough, visited some different parks, baked, had picnics, lunch with Daddy and just enjoyed our time together, the two of us.
After a week of being a lady of leisure (during naptime) and feeling liberated, I was starting to miss this little space and wanted to get back into it. So I decided to crack on with some of the DIY / craft projects I had been wanting / meaning to share with you here. Naptimes started to fill up with arts and crafts, photography, flowers, lots of fun and pretty things. I also revamped alot of my posts and tidied up some loose ends (something I had been meaning to do since I rebranded / relaunched in March). Take a look around, so many things are happening.
So here I am three weeks on feeling refreshed, revitalised and ready to go. Pushing pause; taking some time – was the best thing I could do for myself, my family and my blog. I am back, I am really looking forward to the coming months and I am excited about this space. I have a new outlook with my blog and a renewed, reclaimed vision for my hobby.
Thanks for sticking around; Happy Tuesday Lovelies!
YAYE!!! Welcome back Lydia! We have missed you! I totally know what you mean…’pushing pause’ on the blog is the best thing any blogger can do! If it’s becoming a chore, the best thing you can do is walk away and take a break!! I’ve been there! I can’t wait to see what’s coming up on Always Made With Love!
PS: Great blog post 🙂
Thanks Charlene, taking a break was the best thing ever (bonus now my house looks less like a tip too, hahah)
Look forward to having you around xx
I have pushed pause on my blog before and it is the most refreshing thing you can possibly do I think.
Totally agree with you Malinda. Thanks for popping by xx
You’re not alone, I recently took a pause myself, sometimes you just need a break! Sounds like you had a very productive one! New visitor from Meet up Monday, looking forward to looking around and seeing some of the things you’ve been working on!
Thanks Paula, its nice to have you along for the journey. Sometimes taking a moment to pause and reflect can be the best thing. Puts everything into perspective.
I look forward to popping over and visiting your space xx
Hi Lydia!
This is so wonderful. I am glad you took the time you needed to Push Pause. I was there not too long ago myself – everything just felt like it was too much. I took some time and I can honestly say I have accomplished more after that break than I did before it.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us over at Turn It Up Tuesday!
I totally agree with Tiffany. I feel more productive now I have had a break than I did for a long while before hand. Felt like I was playing catch up the whole time before…
Thanks for hosting a great link up xx
I love a good blog break. Blogs are fantastic but they can become demanding, and I find that especially with hosting a link up. I usually take a week off over Christmas and it’s just enough to recharge my batteries. 🙂
I usually have a break over Christmas too but needed a mid year one as well this year. Think the blog combined with baby number two = batteries needing a double recharge xx
Sometimes you do just need to stop and take a breather and then come back refreshed and ready to get back on track, it certainly helped me to do so last year! #FYBF
Agreed Haidee, a break can be as good as a holiday xx
Such a beautiful post Lydia. Stepping away from something for a little while often renews enthusiasm. Best wishes for all your thoughts becoming actions. 🙂 Xx
Why, thank you Sandra. I am looking forward to all the exciting things I have lined up in the coming months xx
Taking a break is awesome dont you think?! I’ve been on a bit of a break too and you start to get the buzz back and feel more motivated than ever after a little time away. Welcome back 😉 xx
Totally agree with you Sonia, taking a break is great and you so do come back with renewed enthusiasm. Welcome back form your break too xx
Taking a blog break is great when you feel like it’s becoming a chore. You come back all refreshed and ready to go again. Welcome back! I love how you even make a picture of your computer look pretty!! Thanks for sharing with the #BlogFair.
Thanks Karen, it is good to be back. Looking forward to more BlogFair fun xx
I took off almost a month back in June and it was amazing.
I decided after that experience, that I need to take a blog pause every 4-5 months. It’s hard work to be blogging. We need breaks and vacations like anyone else.
Glad you’re recharged – welcome back.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a lovely evening.
I would have to agree with you Jennifer, taking time off is something we should all do a bit more regularly. It is always good to recharge the batteries xx
I’ve done the same before – often freeing myself from self-set blog obligations and suddenly that means I wanted to write more!
Couldn’t agree with you more Vanessa, as soon as I removed myself from my own self set expectations I was more than happy to blog. Thanks for stopping by xx