Sebastian recently started Preschool, three weeks ago to be exact; and in the weeks leading up to him starting I began preparing both him and myself for this new adventure. The biggest thing I did which I firmly believe made the transition easy was involve Sebastian in pretty much every step, this way he felt like he had some sort of control over the situation, plus it built going to Preschool into something exciting. I am happy to say three weeks in and he is loving it!
Pssst… Want to WIN a $50 Banana Boat Prize Pack to get your Summer started? Enter at the bottom of this post!
Below is my list of practical things I did to set us on our way and set us up for this adventure..
- Cute Backpack – speaks for itself really, and I think is one of the integral parts of starting Preschool / School is picking out a cute backpack. For my transportation obsessed little man it was only fitting he got this ‘Cars’ one.
- Lunchbox & Drink Bottle – Sebastian is currently only doing half days at Preschool so having a lunch box isn’t essential at this stage. In saying that his Pre-School does do lunchbox day once a month which all children are invited to attend. I really like this Goodbyn Hero Lunchbox from The Lunchbox Queen, it is the perfect size and has multiple compartments, plus the two dipper containers are great for things like yoghurt as they are leak-proof. For a drink bottle he has a 600ml Sistema one which you can get from most shops. He chose this particular one because it matched his lunchbox!
- Preschool Clothing – if you had asked me in my PC (pre children) life if I thought children needed what can only be deemed as “Preschool” clothes I would have laughed and said ‘don’t be silly’. However, three weeks in and I think they are the BEST idea yet because let’s be honest with each other life as a Preschooler can be pretty messy business, so in the interest of having fun and enjoying life I say ensure your little one has clothes they can freely run, jump and play in but most importantly that they can get messy in. Because no mum wants paint and play dough stuck on their children’s good party clothes.
- Footwear – we went and got Sebastian some sandals in anticipation of Preschool. He was so excited about them and has been disappointed every day so far as it’s not been sunny enough to wear them.
Clothing Labels – this one is to combat the bain of every parent and probably every teacher’s life – Lost Property! Now at three and four years old you can’t expect them to remember to put their clothes back in their bag (heck, some days they can’t even remember which feet their shoes go on) however, this does make my life easier when finding all the bits he went to Preschool in. I ordered these ones from Cotton Trends and have found them to be great – once I got the hang of ironing them on. On a side note when you’re ordering them do be careful you order the correct ones, in what I can only describe as a fit of madness or sleeplessness I ordered sew on ones (I don’t have time for that!)
- Sun Protection – this one is really important to me, with both my babies having inherited my Irish complexion (read: pasty white, burn as soon as the sun looks at you skin), I am always very aware and ‘hot’ (haha, I know I’m so funny…) on the importance of sun protection. A sunhat which provides Sebastian with good coverage of his face, neck and ears was a must. As is finding the right sunscreen. Enter Banana Boat Sun Comfort Sunscreen. This is sunscreen which has been made with families and preschoolers in mind. With an SPF of 50+ it offers very high sun protection while moisturizing and protecting your skin, however, it’s MOST impressive feature is it’s sand resistant. Yes, you heard that right, sand just brushes right off making this the perfect sunscreen to use for the beach or when sending your little one off to Preschool (if they are anything like Sebastian then they are headed straight for the sandpit when they arrive). What I love about Banana Boat Sun Comfort (aside from the obvious) is that it comes in two formulations, a lotion and a mist. I like to use the lotion first thing in the morning before Sebastian goes off for the day, then top up with the spray in the afternoon.
So, there you have it my list of practical things to help get you and your little one ‘Prepared for Preschool’. Hopefully one or two of these ideas will help with your own transition and if nothing else, at least you and your family will be sand free this Summer.
Congratulations Lauren Stull – please email me to arrange delivery of your prize!
The awesome team at Banana Boat have given me a $50 Prize Pack to giveaway which includes the new sunscreen. To enter simply Comment below – it really is that EASY!!!!! Make sure you’re following on Facebook! For EXTRA entries –> Simply like and comment on this post. Sharing is NOT a requirement but always appreciated! Giveaway closes Thursday 3rd November, 8pm NZT. Terms and Conditions available here. Open to New Zealand residents only. Good luck!
***Thanks to Banana Boat for sponsoring this post. Don’t forget to grab some Banana Boat Sun Comfort for your family – so you can all enjoy less sand and more fun this Summer!***
Would love to win, need some new suntan lotion for summer, thankks for the chance
Oh wow! Some great ideas in here! My little monkey love his couple of afternoons a week at preschool and LOVES playing outside on nice days so this would be perfect for him for the summer!
Oh yes please, Master 4 is always in the sandpit at kindy. Would love to try Banana Boats new skin comfort sunscreen. Glad that Sebastian’s transition to preschool has gone well.
What a great post xx. love the guide to what is needed for preschool
What a great read, I’m looking into kindy for my little boy. Thanks for the great tips. Would love to win this 🙂
I’d love to win these for myself as I’ve already had two skin cancers removed so I use heaps of sun block. The spray would be easy to use too!
What an awesome read, thanks for this great giveaway! Banana Boat is my trusted brand for my children <3
Thanks for the article, my son will be starting kindy soon so it was really helpful!
Thank u for the article. I would love to win because have just run out and would love these for my kids. Love banana boat.
Thanks for a good read and review . Honestly I haven’t used Banana Boat sunscreen for a couple of years but would love to try it again. Thank you for the opportunity 😀
Yes please this would be perfect for my fam bam of 6 and one starting school at the start of next year yes please 🙂
banana boat is amazing sunscreen and absolutely preschool clothes /preschool is for play to get wet, dirty, sand in the shoes, paint, playdough on sneakers let the Children play !
Fantastic! With 5 in the house we always need sunscreen on hand!
Sand resistant? I’m sold! Can’t wait to get some for our household
This pack would be so helpful to have in our house. Would love to receive it.
Yes please!!! Would love to win this we have four kiddies so always need plenty of sunscreen!! ☀️😎☀️
Yes please! We need some new sunblock for Summer!
This would be great 😀
Yes please, my child would love this. Very fair skin we have.
oh yes please, with 4 active busy boys in this house we go through lots of sunscreen 🙂
Such a relevant post for us with our little one starting daycare in a few weeks. Good to know which sunscreen to try first.
Yes Please! Love using banana boat for the kids! 🙂
Love to win this any extra help with 3 kids I. This summer sun would be appreciated!!
Yes please awesome prize for summer too. Where is the cars bag from. My son would love it. He is obsessed with lightening mcqueen at the moment.
Huge CARS fan in our household, and with Summer coming up, the Banana Boat would be a perfect addition. Would love to win!
Would love to win this! Mr. 4 will be starting a new kindy in a couple of weeks and this would be great to get organised 🙂
Would really love this for my little boys.
I find it so hard to find one that doesn’t hurt there skin but this one sounds awesome
Awesome prize, would love to win this for my preschooler 🙂
Very helpful post!
Would love some sunscreen for Miss Harper 🙂
Yes, please! My little toddler is always cover in sand whenever it’s near by. This would be great!
I have used Banana Boat Sunscreen ever since Mr 10 was about 18 months so would love to win this awesome prize pack 🙂
Yes please my little boy is always outside in the sand and in the garden digging he is almost 3 too would be cool to try it before he goes to kindergarten next year 😆😆
Would be great for us up at the lakes! Awesome that he’s loving preschool! My boy ((ocial butterflg) hated hid preschool, cried every day of the 2 mornings a week that he went. After a year I changed him to kindy and he’s so much happier for it
Yes please be perfect for my and these summer days
Yes please perfect for my boy and coming summer days 😊
Yes please would be awesome for our wee man and our soon to be 2nd
Yes please, with summer round the corner and two littlelies under 5, this prize would be awesome!
Have mmy boys first day tomorrow and this has helped a lot. wish us luck! would love to win as it’s just starting to heat up!
Hope it goes well Jessica xxx
Third child starting kindy early next year (turns 3 end of November!)
Yes please, was just talking about this sun screen yesterday. Would love to win.
Please & thank you!
Ooooh yes please! My family goes through a lot of sunscreen so this would be amazing 🙂
I need this for my big boy – his neck is always red because he never listens to me when applying sunscreen!! Need to encourage him to be better!!
We love being sun smart in our household!
Yes please love banana boat in the kids in summer
Would love to Wi n this for my family 🙂
Thank u for the great article and prep for pre school ideas. . so handy for when my little on starts soon… Think the emotional bit is the worst.
Such a practical and responsible giveaway to celebrate your little ones start at Preschool. Great prize pack!
Would love to win this
Great post, and I agree, preschool clothes are a must!
Would love this please perfect for our household of 6 always need Sublock!
With my 3 year old Nephew about to start Preschool in a few weeks, this would be the ultimate prize pack for him to win. Slip, slop, slap!
I would love to try Banana Boat products out please…summer is here and the high protection screening would be handy thanks 🙂 x
Great read!
oooh yes please 🙂
Would love to win this for my boy who just went back to preschool. ❤️