Except when you think about it, it actually does.. Just after Christmas I noticed Sebastian was actually playing with his toys less and less. Yet there seemed to be more and more of them. They were everywhere – spread right across the lounge, up the hall, in his bedroom, the bathroom, in our bedroom and even a couple in the dogs crate (just for good measure).
Every day we went through the motions, choosing toys from the toy box, playing with it for a couple of seconds, minutes if we were really lucky and then moving on to something else which caught our eye. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Until all his toys were somewhere other than the toy box, and he was happiest helping me with whatever I was doing, feeding the dog / cat, the washing, setting the table and generally following me around. My little helper, my little mini me. I’m not complaining, I loved having a little helper but Sebastian was getting bored and with so much ‘stuff’ everywhere, tidy up time was becoming increasingly harder as well. At times the state of our house was overwhelming for me, so I can only imagine how overwhelming it was for him.
All of his amazing new books, puzzles and toys from his birthday and Christmas weren’t getting played with. They weren’t being enjoyed. They were being cast aside. Sebastian was bouncing around from one thing to another like a kid in a toy shop who couldn’t believe his eyes and had to play with everything right then, right now and so ended up playing with nothing.
I had to do something!
Both for my sanity and for his – he was gaining nothing from the status quo.
So one afternoon I started. It began with sorting, sorting and some more sorting. I moved every single toy into the lounge (biggest space for an activity like this) and sorted – current toys, new toys, favourite toys, toys for when he is older, soft toys and baby toys, there was the odd toy that had served its purpose and was destined for greater things as well.
From here it was on to rearranging, this was easy enough for some toys – packaging up toys for use next time around, i.e soft toys and baby toys. I put the toys, books and puzzles for him to grow into way up on the top shelf (out of sight / out of mind – for now). I halved his story collection, don’t worry I didn’t get rid of them just left some in the lounge and the rest in his room. I rotate them every few weeks. It just means we don’t end up reading the same story every night, after all there is only some many times you can read ‘Pesky Pirates’ 🙂
Finally, it was on to the remaining toys. As harsh as it sounds a majority of his toys now live in his wardrobe with only a small selection kept in the lounge for day to day use. A variety – some educational, some fun, trucks and balls, pulling and pushing toys and of course blocks. And you know what..? He loves it! He now plays with his toys. He builds. He creates. He actually gets enjoyment out of them. And every couple of weeks I change them around, so there is always something new and exciting. Sebastian can still access all his toys and some days he enjoys sitting and playing in his room with them. I still have my mini me helper, but I also have a little boy who loves his toys and actually has fun with them.
So in case you are wondering, in our house.. more toys equals less fun. The flip side of that is.. less toys equals more fun! What do you think? How do you manage with the never ending sea of toys at your house?
It is true they get overwhelmed with all the toys! I do daycare out of my home so have have lot of toys for multiple ages out. But we keep them in bins with lids on shelves so only a couple of bins are open at the same time. It helps them and me 🙂 I do keep a toy area with “everyday” toys such as babies, balls trucks, and puzzles.
Sounds like great idea – every day toys then specific toys. I can only imagine how many toys you must have at your place 🙂
Thanks for stopping by xx
I struggle with this too…I usually just organise the toys into groups e.g blocks, music, books, etc – my son’s toys are displayed on a mini bookshelf and a 3 drawer plastic unit and a couple on the floor in a little play area. It makes it look less cluttered when everything is organised. I have half of my sons toys stored away in the garage due to Open Homes – I just left them out there (some gradually came back in the house though). I really like the sound of TOY ROTATION – I will be using this when we move house.
Totally agree with ‘makes it look less cluttered when organised’ I just don’t have the energy to organise every day… Yay, not long now until your BIG move xx
Totally agree. And I don’t think it really changes as they get older. Our 3 are (almost)4, 5, and 6 and I’ve noticed that they play with the dressups, lego, trucks and art stuff. It’s about time for another cull, but everytime we do it, I find myself holding on to toys that are really too young for them – I think I’m in denial that they’re actually growing up!
I think there is always time for ‘another cull’, regardless of how often it happens more stuff makes it way into the house. Don’t worry I have a couple of bagfuls of those kinds of toys too… xx
I so have to do this too. I keep meaning to but never get around to it. I love the picture that has really motivated me.
Oh I know the feeling. I had reached the enough is enough stage. Glad to help 😛 xx
I don’t have it in me to change the toys around every few weeks, but I am planning to just box some up and put them in storage until next year. It always seems like there aren’t too many once everything is cleaned up, but then suddenly they are everywhere again!
I am sure it goes longer than a few weeks but the intention is there xx
This is such a great idea. Our toy box is so full, and it ends up everywhere! There are some puzzles I have put away and only bring them out every now and then. I would go absolutely crazy having to get them cleaned up all the time(or nag them do it).
Oh yes, try to avoid the nagging (at 18 months it isn’t very effective).
Have a great week xx
Yes! We have noticed this same thing with our kids. We live in a small house too, so that doesn’t help either because they don’t have much room to play with their toys. But every time we do a toy purge, they seem to actually play more!
Ps. Fun to “meet” another Lydia! Not too many of us around. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. Always great to meet another who shares the same name 🙂
I can only image how hard it would be in a small house, ours isn’t huge either. xx
I hadn’t actually thought about this before, but it makes a lot of sense. Loads of toys everywhere does no mean more fun. I’ll think twice before buying more toys for my little one. The reorganization is definitely a great idea.
Visiting from the Blog Fair Link Party.
I know I didn’t at first either until it was becoming a battle of the wills with tidying up. Now we have so much more fun. The best part is they aren’t gone just spread around the house.
Thanks for stopping by xx
We have the basics out – blocks, lego, train, cars, jigsaws and dress-ups and I have other toys put away for rotation, but then I often forget to rotate them and when I bring them out I don’t know what to put away in their place! It is definitely easier for everyone if there isn’t so much choice though. Thanks for sharing with the #BlogFairLinkParty at mummydoit.co.nz Hope to see you there again next week!!