The other night Sebastian and I had a rare middle of the night snuggle. Laying there snuggled under the blanket on the couch together with him, listening to his little heart beating I started reflecting back on the year that has been.
As I sit here writing this with only four more sleeps remaining until Sebastian is ‘officially’ a toddler (I’ll be honest with you in my eyes he will be a baby / my baby for a while yet), now more than ever seems like the perfect occasion to be doing this – reflecting.
His first birthday has inched closer and closer and so too has the sea of blue and yellow party supplies and decorations, slowly consuming our house. With this more time of late has been spent staring at his button nose and reflecting about the first few weeks in particular at home as a family. You know the ones, when you first get your little one home and wonder where the instruction booklet is… yip, those ones!
Those early days, thanks to Steve and my Mum were beautiful. All I had to concentrate on was my baby boy, they took care of the rest. I was able to watch him sleep, stare at cute button nose and start dreaming of all the things his future would hold for him. He was an adorable cuddly koala and every bit like his Daddy (not that his Daddy is a koala). I didn’t want to let him out of my sight and wanted him as close as I possible. I wanted to smell that gorgeous new baby smell every chance I got.
My darling Steve was fabulous! That’s all, just fabulous. He was involved right from the beginning – changing nappies, dressing, winding and loving our little guy. It was such a lovely moment watching him willingly change Sebastian’s nappy when we got home that first afternoon. My heart just leapt.
My Mum was instrumental in those first few weeks – helping us out and keeping our house running; leaving Steve, Sebastian and I to bond, to grow and to figure out this gig called parenting. She was of course there to give much needed advice (she was our missing instruction booklet) and enjoy baby snuggles too.
I love that my life and world changed the moment I saw him and it never ceases to amaze me the blind and unconditional love that I feel towards him. My love for Steve, his Daddy has also grown throughout the last year and we are now closer then ever before.
As clichéd as it is to say the last year has gone so fast and whilst it feels like yesterday we were leaving Birthcare a family of now three it also feels like Sebastian has always been apart of our lives. I wouldn’t want to change it for the world. I have loved everything about the last year – ok not everything: I haven’t particularly enjoyed the lack of sleep at times, his arrival to the world was not easiest and the super sore nipples from feeding were not exactly highlights (they are all stories for another time) but they have shaped in part who I am today and the Mum that I am, so I feel lucky to have had those experiences.
I have however LOVED, LOVED, LOVED being a Mum ~ Sebastian’s Mum!
This last year has been beautiful little man and for that I thank you.
Lydia x
It’s with a tear in my eye (actually spilled out if I am honest) that I have read this blog – your most gorgeous, heart wrenching, delightful, always made with love blog ever – thanks for sharing your heart and soul with us and bringing love to us all. I am proud to have you as my niece xxxxx
Aw, that is so sweet! Thank you xx
Beautiful recollections of your first year with your adorable son. Thank God for amazing husband and mothers who love and support us on our motherhood journey. Sounds like yours have been incredible.
They sure have Wendy. It is so nice to also be able to share this journey with them.
Thanks for stopping by, look forward to checking your space out xx
Really enjoyed reading your post and following your journey as a Mum so far.
I can really relate to everything you say as a Mother of 2 boys 20 and 22 . Motherhood is the most rewarding and wonderful journey you can go on and you have so much more to look forward to.
Thanks for sharing must catch up again soon,
Love Tracey
Aw, thank you Tracey.
I am loving this journey so much and I can not wait to see what the future holds.
Definitely catch up soon xx
Aww, you write so beautifully about your wee man and your big man Steve. Sebastian has brought soooo much to our family. I just can’t imagine life without him. Every snuggle so precious, every smile so delightful, he is indeed pure joy. I am so proud watching you being a Mummy, so natural and always doing everything with love. Steve,you and Sebastian make a beautiful always made with love family <3 And I am the luckiest Nanny in the world x
Thanks Mummy – I really am the luckiest girl in the world xx
How amazing is the first year? So much change, and yet it feels like they’ve always been there.
Happy birthday to your gorgeous little fella. xx
It is truly incredible, I feel very lucky that I was able to be there for it all xx
Squeeeeeee!! Oh. Em. Gee. That little squishy face is so DIVINE. Good on you for getting through that first year – it can be blodoy rough going.
Heheh… why thank you. It is pretty cute but then again I am pretty biased 🙂
Thanks for stopping by xx
Being a mom is one of the greatest blessings. Your little boy is so adorable. They grow so fast. God Bless You
It truly is – I feel very blessed xx
I’m just a few months behind you with my little girl turning one in December. I love reading other mums experiences and reflections from such a special time that feels like it was yesterday and a million years ago all at once. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that is so neat. I also love reading other accounts of their time as a parent.
Thanks for stopping by, will pop on over and visit your page xx
Such a beautiful reflection! I’m so glad that you had the help and support you needed to be able to really focus on your baby during those early days and weeks. I had the same situation, and it makes such a difference!
Thanks for linking up with the #SHINEbloghop!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
You are right it truly did make all the difference and made for such a lovely time for us all xx
So special 🙂 What a gorgeous new little bundle Sebastian was in those photos. It feels like yesterday that my babies were new.
I love those unexpected cuddles.
Happy birthday little guy. You have lots of love around you 🙂
PS. I nominated you for an award.. 🙂
Thank you – I loved looking back over that special time.
Thanks for the award – ill get on to it xx
He is a beautiful baby! It was lovely to read of your love of your husband after birth. It was this that I was most unprepared for and amazed by myself. I never never I would love the father of my children more than I did just because he also loved my children.
Aw, thank you Sarah 🙂 Yes that feeling can be overwhelming can’t it xx
Those photos are just adorable. They are so precious and truly wonderful gifts xx Happy first birthday to your little man, and congrats to you and Steve for a beautiful first year of being parents 🙂
Thanks Alicia. We have such a lovely year and feel really blessed xx
What a beautiful post and what a gorgeous little man Sebastian is! I loved seeing your ‘grown-up’ photos of him on instagram too 🙂
Aw, thank you Lizzy! I was so lovely to reflect back 🙂 Look forward to following you xx
Oh I loved seeing those gorgeous photos. How quickly does the first year go? I can’t believe my little baby turns three in a couple of months. It seems as though you have embraced every single moment and that’s so great.
Oh my goodness, three. Where does the time go? It is so lovely to look back and see how they have changed.
Thanks for stopping by xx