So the weeks just keep rolling along and as usual I can not quite believe I am as far along as I am. We are officially in the third trimester everyone. The down hill run so to speak and that is both exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. Exciting because there are so much newborn loveliness out there at the moment (it’s that time of year, babies everywhere) and nerve wrecking because I will officially be a Mummy of two and some days I still can not get my head around the idea of being a Mummy to one (yip, even though he is now two years old – how did that happen???) let along a Mummy to two.
How far along: Officially 29 weeks and 1 day (I got a little behind with my updates, whoops!)
Baby is the size of: A 38.6 cm approx.. butternut squash and weighs roughly 1.1kgs (this makes me feel like going and weighing the butternut squashes next time I/m doing the fruit shopping to see what bubs would be like, hehehe…)
Feeling: A bit tired, but then again Sebastian and I have both been battling a head cold his week, so lots of snuggles and tissues at our house. I am juicing all the citrus I can to nip this thing in the bud, oranges and lemons come at me! I am also feeling really good, I went for my gestational diabetes test on Friday and the results are in and are all good. Just a bit (well, very low on the iron side of things) that’s nothing new, so iron pills for me 😉
Symptoms: I am still plagued with this pesky heartburn but it does seem to be getting a bit better ( I think!?!) I am sleeping propped up and chugging back liquid Mylanta like nobodies business, but hey it’s all in the name of this lil squishy nugget, so I’m ok with that
Enjoying: Having a bump, I have officially popped out in the last few weeks. Loving my baby belly. Plus my little guy is super sweet and now comes up to me and rubs it saying baby. Yes, little man it sure is!
Craving: No new cravings, I have yet to send hubby out on a midnight snack run (although I know he would be up to it). I feel a bit cheated really, think I need to make up some obscure craving that is desperately needed at 2am in the morning
Missing: The ability to move as fast as I used to, I’m not talking running marathons or anything but just being able to move freely, without having to roll over in the middles of the night or ask hubby for a push (heheh…)
Looking forward to: Single digits, I can not believe that the next time I write one of these updates I will be in single digits. And getting the baby’s room all ready for little new born snuggliness
You can read more about lil Gooseberry here:
Something a little bit special..
Lil Gooseberry ~ 16 Week Update
Lil Gooseberry ~ 20 Week Update
Lil Gooseberry ~ 24 Week Update
So there you have it, and update on our ‘Lil Gooseberry’. How are all you pregnant Mumma’s holding up out there? What are your tips, tricks and remedies for heartburn?
Exciting following along your journey with number two! As far as heartburn goes, I find gavsicon works better than mylanta. Another thing I’ve used before is slippery elm powder. You mix it in water first thing in the morning. It tastes a bit gross but I think it does help a lot 🙂
Thanks Marie, can’t wait to follow your journey too.
Gaviscon and I are BEST friends, it seems like an unhealthy relationship we are having – hehehe…
Slippery elm powder, its worth a shot – desperate times / desperate measures xx
Look at that little belly! How exciting! I still don’t know how people do it more than once though, ha ha. Although I do miss my little newborn bundle 🙂 When I had terrible heartburn a friend suggested lemon juice in a little water. I never ended up trying it and it seems totally counterintuitive but she swears by it!
Oooo, lemon juice with water. Haven’t heard of that one but desperate times calls for desperate measures. xx