I was beyond thrilled when the lovely ladies at Kiwi Mummy Blogs got in touch with me to see if I wanted to do a review for them on peanut butter. I was even more thrilled when the courier arrived and I found out it was ‘Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter’. You see I had been wanting to try the stuff since I had seen it on Campbell Live earlier in the year, however I was still working through our existing peanut butter supply…
By the time lunch rolled around – I was in heaven (perfectly cooked hot buttered vogels slathered with ‘Pics Really Good Peanut Butter’, heaven!)
I knew it was different to other brands the moment I opened the jar. I could smell perfectly roasted peanuts, it was as if I had roasted them at home myself and that was it. And then to taste, perfectly nutty like I had opened a bag of peanuts and shelled them myself. I even blind tested it on my husband who is not really a peanut butter fan and he even liked it! So far it was ticking all the boxes – smells amazing (like the real deal); tastes amazing (like the real deal) and the best part – it is 100% peanuts and a dash of salt to bring out the nutty flavour. No preservatives. No additives. No emulsifiers. Just good old peanuts!
I like the simple almost organic feel of the packaging as well. It feels honest and the label makes for a great read (over breakfast ‘of vogels with Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter’ of course). You can even return the jar to Pic at the Nelson Saturday Market for a 50c donation to The Brook Waimarama Wildlife Sanctuary or fill it with other yummy treats, I’m thinking something homemade – jam, chutney, etc.
So after taste testing it at lunch and wishing I had also got to try the smooth version so I could give some to my little man; I popped on to the website http://reallygood.co.nz/ to further check out the back story about how this peanut butter came about, you can read it here..
What I also found was… wait for it… my favourite… RECIPES! For those of you who know me and have been following my blog for a while now you will know that I cant go past a good recipe. So naturally, I had to try a couple.. as a sweet treat and for morning tea over the next week (if they don’t all get eaten before hand), Lorna’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies – I will admit it I ate a couple hot straight from the oven. One word – YUMO!!! And for dinner last night Juanita Peanut Satay Sauce with chicken satay, rice and Asian style greens. Another one word response – DEVINE!!! Will definitely be adding these two to my recipe book / files for making again in the future. They both bought out and enhanced the natural nutty flavour of the peanuts.
So, if you haven’t already guessed it… I really enjoyed ‘Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter’!
Would I buy it next time around? Yes, definitely!
Would I be recommending it to family, friends and anyone else who will listen to me? Yes, of course!
So – go on, next time you are out of peanut butter – Give ‘Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter’ a try! You won’t regret it!
Lydia x
I’ve been avoiding buying Pics at the supermarket as I know it will be THAT GOOD and I will go through a jar every few days 😉
Goodness, that would be a lot of peanut butter!!! It is sooo good though, even converted my Mum who doesn’t ‘do’ peanut butter xx
Oh yum! You’ve made me hungry. We go trough a lot of PB in this house 🙂
Heheh… funny how reading about food can do that to you xx
Do they sell this bad boy in Australia? YUM! Now I’m craving this amazing peanut butter. The satay looks to die for and those cookies would go down a real treat right now. Bet Sebastian loved them 🙂 Great first review Lydia. You have done a fab job. xx
Thanks Maria 🙂 I can confirm from Pic himself that they do stock it in Oz. Will be able to find it at Coles at the end of October. 🙂 xx
Gosh, thanks guys. Gee Lydia, that old “waiting till I finished the other stuff” makes me so sad. We can never make up for those lost months, so if any of your readers find yourselves in that same situation, here’s what we’ll do.
Bring your nasty old jar of peanut like butter (half full or better) to us at our Nelson factory. We’ll donate it to the Wildlife sanctuary for their rodent trapping program and GIVE you your first, 200g jar of Pic’s.
And yes, Maria, you can get our stuff in Australia. Ant good deli or flash food store should have it or you can get it online from my sister in Bellingen. BUT the big news is that come the end of October you’ll be able to find it in Coles. So eat up! It will make you and and me and your kids very hay.
Xx Pic
Err…. Happy, I meant happy, not hay. What a duffer.
Well I am now converted!!!
What a generous offer – I am sure my readers would LOVE it. Pity I am not closer, would love to visit your factory one day.
Thanks for a great peanut butter and for letting me enjoy it. I know many others will too and I have already converted my Mum xx
I had been wondering if that stuff was good! I love Peanut Butter, I think I’ll have to get some next!
You really should, its delicious xx