I have been pondering writing and sharing this post for a little while now and yes have finally (three months on) gotten around to it. It is the kind of post that will not appeal to everyone but will appeal to some, yet that is not the reason I am writing it. I am writing it for Isabelle, so one day if she wishes she can read the story that was her birth. It is a story of something imperfectly perfect and at the same time perfectly imperfect. It is not how I first imagined it would be, however, I wouldn’t change it for a thing. It bought me the final piece of my puzzle, my heart, my little girl, our wee Isabelle.
The 19th of December was your official due date, yet the closer we got to the date the more certain I was, you were going to be late like your big brother (clearly you liked your accommodation). Then, the closer it got to Christmas Day I wanted you to stay put a little bit longer, I wanted you to have your own special day.
On Boxing Day we meet with our midwife and the decision was made to try a stretch and sweep to see if that would help hurry things along. As it was a gorgeous afternoon, Nanny and I head out afterwards for an iced chocolate and some girly time to take our mind off things, all while keeping our fingers crossed – was today going to be your birthday?!?
We didn’t need to wait too long to find out as that night after dinner (about 7.30pm) contractions started. A few weeks earlier I had experienced contractions for a hour or so, so it was a little while before I was convinced this time it was the real thing. This time however, things progressed pretty quickly and before too long we were calling Baba (to look after and stay with your big brother) and Nanny (to be a support person to both your Daddy and I) to come over as it was time to head to Auckland Hospital as ‘ Hip, Hip, Hooray – a baby was on it’s way’.
The trip to the hospital was a bit exciting, Daddy did a great job driving us with both Mummy and Nanny in the back seat. When we arrived at the hospital, Daddy had to park in the taxi bay and let Mummy and Nanny out. We made our way up stairs to the ‘labour and delivery suite’ stopping along the way for some pretty impressive contractions. I was offered a wheel chair to get up to the ward but found it easier to walk and be able to stop and lean on the walls when contractions came along and along they were coming…
Once on level 9, we were meet by Tilly (our midwife). She checked Mummy over and did an internal exam 🙁 to see how far along we officially were. I was at 8cm so it wasn’t going to be too long before we got to meet our little one (or so we thought). I was offered some ‘gas’ for pain relief as the contractions were pretty strong now. An hour later, after much puffing and panting and grunting and groaning, this Mumma was requesting some stronger pain relief although as luck would have it the Anesthetist was busy as was the back up and I would have to wait. During this time I went through transition and wanted to push, push, push. So I did! I pushed sitting, standing, squatting, lying down on my back, lying on my side, leaning over the bed, and on all fours. But you my little lady were not coming. During this very long pushing stage the Anesthetist arrived and the decision was made to for go the epidural as with all that good pushing ‘baby should be here any moment now’ and the epidural was unlikely to have time to take effect.
So we I kept pushing and Daddy and Nanny kept holding my hands and passing me the gas being so, so very supportive. After two hours of pushing it all seemed to stop. The contractions were coming but my need to push wasn’t there, and as I had previously had a C-section a consultant got called to access things. Truth be told I was struggling, the contractions were still coming hard and fast yet my need to push wasn’t. My body wasn’t letting me deliver my baby, it was tired. Not just labour and birth tired but giving up tired, every contraction was a battle, a fight.
The decision was made to head to theatre, have an epidural and try for an instrumental delivery (not my first or second choice) however, I wanted to deliver this baby my baby safely. Steve was taken to get all scrubbed up (hehe…) and my poor Mum at one something in the morning was whisked along to the family room to wait for news. Meanwhile I was wheeled through to theatre and finally given that epidural in-between contractions. Daddy then joined me in theatre with our camera and it was ‘show time!’
At 2.37am, seven hours after labour started (it was short and sharp this time around), you my darling girl were welcomed into this world. The lovely doctor held you over the curtain and showed you to us and for the first time in nine long months we knew we had a beautiful daughter. That moment just there it felt like your Daddy and I were the only two people in the theatre. It was surreal. It was magic. It was perfect!
You were taken off to get checked over, Daddy went with you to take your first photos and I was looked after by some very lovely Doctors and Nurses. Daddy then returned with you and Tilly, and I got to meet my precious baby girl for the first time. Daddy sat with me and snuggled you while the Doctors and Nurses finished doing what they had to do. Unfortunately, it all took a bit longer than usual as there was a slight complication with a hole cut in my bladder during the C-section which needed to be repaired. It was unfortunate however, one of those things. The main thing most important thing to me and your Daddy was that you were here, healthy and safe. I feel like I was lucky though because I was able to have you and your Daddy by myside the whole time and I got to soak up all your newborn goodness whilst the Doctors and Nurses did their thing.
Whilst all this was going on around us, you were so good, eyes wide open taking in this big new world. You didn’t make a peep, initially you did (you sounded like a little duck) but after being weighed and checked over you were happy being wrapped and in your Daddy’s arms. Finally we were moved to recovery where I got to have my first cuddle of my gorgeous baby girl. I couldn’t wait, after all I had been waiting nine long months for this moment and it couldn’t come soon enough.
So here it is my darling girl ~ your birth story. The story of the day you made our family complete. The story of the day we welcomed you into both our family, home and
most above all else our hearts. I love you little one!
Beautiful story Lydia. Thank you for sharing x Isabelle will treasure this story forever! Be sure to print it and pop a copy of it in her Baby Record Book (that’s what I did with mine)
Such a lovely story Lydia! Made me a bit teary eyed xx ❤️❤️😘
Aw, Thanks Tegan xx
Beautiful. Both you and your daughter will be so glad you wrote this 5, 10, 20 years from now :). Thank you for sharing it with us!
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with us! #familyjoy