Bibs – something every mum knows a thing or two or twenty about.
Before becoming a Mum I knew bibs were important, they were on my must have list after all. However, what I didn’t know or what I failed to underestimate is just how important they would become. How much easier they could / would make my life and likewise how much harder. We used bibs pretty much right from the get go with Sebastian, he was quite a spilly baby and then a very dribbly one as he moved on to teething, so bibs were essential. Initially, I went for bibs that were cute and fun. I can hear you all thinking what’s wrong with that..? The thing is they weren’t very functional. They were either too big on my tiny bubba, didn’t absorb as well as I would have liked and as he got bigger well it become a fun game of who could get the bib on or off fastest (read: velcro).
So you can imagine my enthusiasm when asked to try out the bibs by Funky Giraffe.
These bibs are designed with Mums in mind by (yip, you guessed it) a Mum. Funky Giraffe believes in good quality, funky designs and great value. They are bibs for ‘babies with style’ and who doesn’t want that for their little one!?
Their bandana bibs are 100% cotton on the front so wonderfully soft to touch and the fleece backing keeps dribble from soaking through, keeping littlies dry (which is the whole point, isn’t it?); plus they have double snaps making it adjustable / one size fits all and brilliant for both babies and toddlers. Another feature which I love about them is the size, they aren’t too big. Big enough to cover and catch all that dribble and drool but not so big that you loose seeing your little ones cute outfit.
There are 100’s of gorgeous designs to choose from – plain colours, patterned, ones for the holidays, seasons, cute pictures and themed. Plus, because they are so affordable you could have one for every occasion and every outfit. They even have a cute little giraffe label on them and are machine washable (which is a double win in my books).
As well as bandana bibs, Funky Giraffe offers satin, cotton, bamboo, cutie collars, large and square bibs (you can even personalise, if you like); scratch mittens; burp cloths and scarves. I am in love with them already, they are soft and gorgeous. Although, Sebastian at two is past using bibs, I can’t wait to use them in a couple of months with Lil Gooseberry (baby # 2) and add to my his / her collection.
My bibs were received from their Australian site and were in my hot little hands in just on a week (pretty speedy, if you ask me!). You can also get them from the UK, USA & FRANCE.
Want to know the BEST part… yes, that’s right we have a set of 10 Funky Giraffe Bibs for you to win for your little guy or girl? Comment below telling us ‘who you would like to win a set of bibs for’ and pop on over to for an additional entry. CONGRATULATIONS >> Heather Flint you are our winner!
Good luck everyone!
I’d love to win these. My first son is ten days old and needs some boyish Bibs!
Good luck hun, don’t forget you can enter over on Facebook as well xx
Gosh these are adorable,love for my wee granddaughter
Fingers crossed for you Carole xx
These are too cute!
Aren’t they Alison xx
I’d love to win these for my new nephew 🙂
Good luck Ange xx
These are just wonderful!!! What a brilliant idea, would love to win these for me and my friends, I think everyone should have one! Or two! Maybe three…
Couldn’t agree with you more Kateryn. Good luck xx
I would love to win these for my 7 month old girl!
Good luck xx
These look so cute – and great that they are so functional too. We’re just about over the bib stage here, so number three can just make do with the stained hand-me-downs! Thanks for sharing with the #BlogFair, this was the most popular post this week! Hope you can visit again next week.
Hahaha… totally understand.
Thanks for hosting as always Karen, it is a great link up xx