Sebastian, I have been feeling rather reflective lately on this time last year when your Daddy and I were waiting with baited breath for your arrival, we still could not truly imagine our lives with you in it even though we were all ready to welcome you. And yet here we are one month out from your first birthday; in some instances it feels like it was just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital and becoming a family, then in others we can not remember our lives without you as a part of them. We are really looking forward to celebrating you special day with you and the day we became a family, however before that happens we have so much more to do and I am so very lucky that I get to see you do and experience it all.
We went away for a ‘mini family holiday’ to Raglan earlier this month with Nanny and Poppa. It was a lovely weekend away and even though your were a bit under the weather (due to your teeth), that didn’t stop you from exploring the beach, trying sand for the first time, having a swing and slide at the playground, walks in your buggy and lots of cuddles. You can read the full story about the fun we had here.
You are so close to walking!!! Standing up now without holding on to anything and moving along any furniture you can, including the walls with very little help or support. You will even walk if someone holds your hands for you and are very quick on your feet. I imagine it will be within the next week or two… We will see.
Your favourite things this month have been you toy trucks and diggers, you are a real boy and love playing outside with them any chance you get. As soon as you see the door open you make a bee line for it – luckily your clever daddy made a gate for the deck so it is super safe for you to play out there. You still LOVE a horsey ride on Daddy’s shoulders and squeal with delight as he runs up and down the hall with you, and of course the best toy ever is Storm who will let you pat him even more now, that is probably because you are patting more than grabbing now. You are very sweet as you try to meow like him and then try to copy mummy and daddy saying gentle as you pat him too.
I can not imagine what you will do in the next month, what I do know is it will continue to amaze me and I am so glad it get to see it all before my own eyes. You are the bestest little man!
Love Mummy xx
Oh cute. It makes me want to go look at photos of my own kids at this age. Magical xx
It goes so quick – doesn’t it? xx
Oh my goodness – those photos are just divine!!!! So cute xxx
Aw, thank you!!! xx
The first year is so beautiful isn’t it? So much wonderful change occurs then. And it goes so quickly.
It truly is, quite incredible really xx
Oh he is so gorgeous!! Enjoy every moment with your beautiful boy xx
Thanks for linking up for Sunday Brunch xx
Aw, thank you – we think so but we are slightly biased xx
Oh my! How adorable!
Thank you xx
It is amazing how much happens in those first 12 months. Not to mention the 12 after that. You have a very happy boy there, enjoy every second of it. xx
It truly is. I most certainly am making the most of every second xx
Your son looks like a proper happy chappie. It’s so exciting when they are nearing milestones, but once Sebastian is walking there will be no looking back, so enjoy it while you can!
Your son looks like a proper happy chappie. It’s so exciting when they are nearing milestones, but once Sebastian is walking there will be no looking back, so enjoy it while you can!
Popped over from the #SHINEbloghop.
Haha.. I know Deb. I’m enjoying every second xx
Oh my goodness what a little sweetheart! Eleven months of cuteness is right! I love that you’re reflecting on all these moments and milestones… they grow up far too fast!
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a lovely day.
Aw, thank you – you are too kind.
Thanks for hosting such a neat link up xx
Oh my goodness, such a little cutie! xx
Thanks hun xx
So very cute! What a lovely age!
Thanks you xx
What a lovely post! I’m sure Sebastian will love looking at these posts when he is older. Thanks for linking up with #WeekendBlogHop!
Aw, thank you! I feel it is such a nice way of capturing the memories and something to look back on in years to come.
Thanks for hosting the link up xx