Yes that’s right my little man is eight months old. A bundle of chubby thigh cuteness. I can not believe it, the last eight months have just flown by in a ball of fun, happiness and laughter. You get told but I feel you can never really understand until there yourself, how you can completely and utterly love someone as much as I love him. It’s a different kind of love to my husband – he is my love I chose; Sebastian is a love that was gifted to me. It is pretty amazing!
It is amazing to watch them grow – the big things and also the little things.
In the last month Sebastian has learnt so much it is truly special to be at home to watch him learn all these things on a daily basis. He is now commando crawling and we have had to install baby gates to keep him and Storm (our cat) safe and give ourselves peace of mind. He is super quick too and slowly picking up on the word ‘No’ which is getting a good workout especially near the stereo and dvd player. He has now mastered the art of saying ‘Dadda’, this is still not as effective at 3 o’clock in the morning, as ‘Dadda’ doesn’t hear it. He has just finished cutting his top 4 front teeth and is loving sandwiches and fruit for lunch as opposed to farex and fruit mix / mush. Also since the weekend we have found rolling onto our tummy and drinking bathwater a fun night time activity and I have finally given in and we have lowered his cot, he now looks super tiny and his room looks super big.
Finally we have had started ‘Baby Sensory’ classes – will post about them another time. He is loving them, lots of fun activities and different things to home as well as a lot of home made play based activities. His favourite things so far as the giant parachute, bubbles and fluffy blankets. It is so sweet to see them interacting with other babies too.
Enjoy – eight months of cuteness
Such an incredibly happy time watching you grow from newborn to an eight month old bubbly, inquisitive bundle of fun! So I’m an adoring Nanny. Having Sebastian in our lives reminds me of how I fell completely in love with my own babies Lydia and Matthew xox
I Luv reading about Sebastian and his steps from baby to toddlerhood. When I read how you said you couldn’t believe how much you could completely and utterly love this little person like you do it reminded me of how I felt when we added to our family. I thought ” How could I possible Luv any other baby as much as this one?” Then i learnt that A mother’s love is not divided amongst her children, but is multiplied by each. Hope u are blessed and feel that love one day too. Enjoy your little prince. He’s adorable x