With all the thrills and spills of two young kiddies it’s no wonder Chux is my life saver. Steve and I firmly believe in including Sebastian and Isabelle with everyday life, in letting them ‘help’, EVEN if that ‘helping’ means making more of a mess.
You will often find Sebastian ‘helping’ us in the kitchen whether it’s doing dishes (with lots of bubbles) or baking. These Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins are a hit in our household especially with Sebastian who makes it his thing to crack the eggs (a job he is still mastering – sometimes they make it in the bowl and sometimes they decorate the bench and / or floor). 😉 So having Chux Absorbant Cloths on hand is super helpful, they are great for soaking up those little and not so little spills.
I am also a firm believer in play, and that too can be messy. We love spending the better part of our afternoons making playdough creations; blowing bubbles; painting with various mediums and on various surfaces; craft stations; building with kinetic sand; enjoying pouring and scooping stations and creating science experiments in the name of playing.
From one mum to another, encouraging creativity whilst NOT stressing about the mess can be difficult, but with Chux Superwipes on hand, I can clean ‘on the go’, leaving Sebastian to get inspired, use his imagination and create til his little heart’s content (and that’s for longer than 10 minutes #winning).
Chux are also great to have on hand for those messy / sticky finger moments, you know the ones that just happen to appear out of nowhere when you’re three and a half years old. The ones that if you can’t find a cloth within reach you use either your sleeve or pants. Times like these I call on Chux Superwipes, I love that they rinse hygienically clean, are fast drying and the handy roll means you can have more than one on the go at a time.
So, when extensive home renovations meant moving in with my parents for the better part of five months.. you can guess what I took with me?!?
* WIN, WIN, WIN * {Congratulations Jodine – you have just won yourself my favourite Chux products and some goodies from Figgy & Co. Please email or PM me via Facebook to arrange delivery of your prize}
I have an amazing prize pack to giveaway to one lucky person… A selection of my favourite Chux products including: 1x Original Superwipes; 2x Original Robuste Wipes; 2x All-Purpose Absorbent Cloths; 2x Non-Scratch Scourers & 2x 3 in 1 Bathroom Foam Scourers, BUT that’s not all – you will also get a Healthy Home Plus Pack (valued at $54) from Figgy & Co.
All you have to do is comment below with your number one cleaning tip. You can also head over to our Facebook page and comment on the pinned post which links to this blog for additional entries. Giveaway closes 30th June.
**Thanks Chux for sponsoring this post and helping this Mumma clean like it never happened **
make a chore cleaning list with tiltles like daily,weekly and monthly then put cleaning tasks underneath check them off one done the only way in my house that i keep up to date with everything also kids have a list to of cleaning jobs that have to do which they end up with pocket money we all work together in my place
My number one cleaning tip is that baby wipes are amazing for getting stains out of carpets! Any spills come up clean! We choose to use cloth wipes for cleaning up after our two under twos though so this pack would be a wonderful help!
White vinegar and baking soda are cleaning essentials – huge cost saving on the commercial preparations but also equally or more than effective.
I use lemon juice and salt on my copper bottom pots and they come up like new.
I use a cream cleanser in the shower with a stainless scourer. Those two combined work wonders!
What a cool giveaway! I’m on the baking soda bandwagon – but this is totally helped by good cloths. I’d love to win this!
Clean as you go! Something my mum taught me growing up. If you clean as you go then when it come to the regular tidy/cleaning its a much quicker and simpler job. Friends have often commented in how tidy and clean my house is, I don’t spend hours cleaning I just keep it maintained. A few extra seconda wiping down and putting things away where they belong saves allot of time and work in the long run.
I’m old fashioned. I still use news paper to clean my windows. It may take a little ‘elbow grease’ but my windows come up sparkling clean!
I also like to put a cup of lemon juice & water in the microwave, turn on for a minute, then wipe out for easy cleaning and smelling fresh.
I use the scraggly bits at bottom washing powder box or bag to sprinkle over carpet… It makesi t smell fresh and also helps keep the vacuum from getting smelly. 🙂
If you have something on the carpet. Don’t rub just dab. Then dry with another towel on top of the wet patch.
chores and reward chart that is age appropriate like putting the dishes away for the older kids and the little kids can make sure shoes are in the shoe box by the back door
Mix white vinegar in a two to one ratio with dishwash detergent, put in a spray bottle and then use it to clean your shower. No chemical smell, but you might end up hungry for fish and chips!
Love your blog!!
My top is one I am forever grateful for. When cooking dinner use the time between turning and stirring putting things away both in the kitchen and around the house and doing the dishes as you are preparing dinner and making them. I now get so much done between 4 & 5:30.
Don’t stress too much right now. The baby is little and the toddler needs you. It’s kind of a personal tip, more of a “note to self” ha ha!
Congrats Jodine!
My number one tip has got to be… keep tons of baking soda In the house..it’s the best cleaner for most jobs around the house, is cheap and easy to use… dilute with water or apply like a paste direct to the areal. ..stains get lifted.
White vinegar and baking soda are brilliant cleaning lots of things.
Use toothpaste on your headlights to clean them. Cleans build-up and buffs the light covers.
Always clean as you go. If you leave all your cleaning to do at once it becomes overwhelming and too much of a chore.
Breaking up cleaning into short bursts. It still gets done 5 or 15 minutes at a time but with a lot less stress
When you are a working mum, it can be difficult to find the time to clean the house. I try do attack one area each day of the week when I get home from work to make the house cleaning less daunting..eg bathroom on Mondays etc. Then my weekends are far more enjoyable as pretty much every thing is done by then.
If you can do it in less than ten minutes, donut straightaway! Helps me keep on top of my chores.
Now that I’m a a mum I don’t always have time to finish cleaning jobs I start. So while In the shower scrub one wall each shower it then eventually gets clean. I ask my toddler to help clean up his toys. Or he knows they will get sucked up the vacuum. He’s always helpful now.
My tip is to clean as you go. This way it doesn’t feel so much like a chore!
Rinse the dishes before u load to the dishwasher, save power and water by popping it on a faster wash and also saves the food getting caught in your filter, yuck!!
I use white vinegar and baking soda, even throw a little white vinegar in the wash to brighten up the clothes, with a 2 year old who is exploring the world, this is really needed.
I like to put a cup of vinegar and water in the microwave, turn it on for a minute or two then it wipes out clean. So quick and easy.
I use hand soap to gently remove stains from carpet 😊 also, exfoliation gloves for the shower glass 🙊
Use a toothbrush to get to those hard to reach places. Plus Baking soda and white vinegar are your best friends 🙂
I have cut up chux wipes and carry them everywhere with me in a zip lock bag. I use them instead of wipes. Feels great to save money and not contribute to landfills.
Best think my mum taught me is to put water on a stain (milo, sauce etc) then blotch it to get the colour out before attempting to clean. Has worked many times on our carpet with our three kids ❤️
I use baby wipes for everything. You can see all the dirt and they are easy to grab
I soak my stoves element liner trays in baking soda and warm water it gets them nice and clean
Add citrus peel to a jar. Fill up with vinager. Let it sit 2 weeks. Strain and dilute with water with ratio 1:1 with water. Use as a multi purpose cleaner around the house
When starting to do a spring clean, start from one end of the house and make your way around! So that if you dont finish, you havent go clean and dirty spots all over the show 🙂
Clean as you go – was instilled in me from a young age. Try and have a place for everything – makes it quicker to “have everything in its place”. A little bit often is much easier and less daunting.
OOoooOooooh fantastic! Our little lady loves to help too. My tip would be to do 5 min speed clean in each room, as soon as the 5 mins is up, go do something else then when you want to do another 5 mins in a room go for it. 5 mins goes quick but it is amazing what you can get done 🙂
I’m definitely a do it all in one morning kinda person. I like setting a playlist up to motivate me then getting it all out and done in a few hours. It means I don’t have to clean everyday after work in the little downtime I have, and then means I can enjoy the rest of my weekend with a clean house!
My tip is I use the all purpose cleaner (we use Earthwise) to spot clean, if I spill something on the carpet or on clothing I quickly get out the spray cleaner and give it a squirt then rub it and honestly 9 times out of 10 the stain disappears!! 🙂
Make your cleaning more efficient and less time consuming by organising your cleaning supplies in a cleaning caddy. This way, no matter where you are in the house, the essential tools and products will be right at your fingertips. You could even keep basic equipment and sprays in a tool belt while you clean!
White vinegar and baking soda
I use white vinegar for heaps of cleaning its cheaper than other stuff
Baby Wipes are amazing to wipe down surfaces, clean up spills or dust cause can throw away afterwards, no harsh chemicals, no sprays just wipe and throw
Baby wipes arnt just for babys bums but an all purpose multi cleaning product
Natural disinfectent – lemon juice all the way!!!!!
My core cleaning ingredients: White Vinegar, Baking Soda, Baby Wipes, Newspaper, Dettol and Lemons. These can be used in so many different ways to help make your cleaning jobs easier.
I use colour coded cleaning cloths. Helps heaps for when the kids want help
Use baking soda to clean your oven, first spray your oven with a water spray bottle, then sprinkle on a layer of baking soda and repeat this process 3 times before leaving for a few hours and then wiping clean ! No foul odour or harmful chemicals means you can put your oven on for dinner straight afterwards!!!
I love a clean kitchen and bathroom but don’t like the chemicals often used, so I’m big on white vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice in various combinations to battle mess , stains and smells
My number one cleaning tip is spend 10/20mins each day cleaning an area or cupboard of the house. That way it doesn’t become an overwhelming task. 🙂
If your limited on time like I am witha 2 year old and a 7 week old I scrub the shower while I’m in it. Even if it’s one walk each shower. It eventually gets clean. Also share the load with your partner or house mates.
My tip is to not put cleaning or tidying things off until later, do them as you need to, asap, then it creates good habits. Also bribing my hubby with beer always helps motivate him to clean lol
A little squirt of dishwashing liquid when running the bath – gives you bubbles with a bonus …. no bathring!
Clean from the outside in- starting at the edges of the room makes sure you don’t miss any spots and is a way to ensure every bit of your house gets clean
Clean the shower while you’re in it 😂 Way less of a mission and there’s nothing like killing two bird with one stone!
Buy Figgy and you will love cleaning! Seriously I am addicted to my cleaning paste.
Baking soda & white vinegar for anything stubborn!
Use a squeegee/wiper thingee in the shower after use so u don’t get all the calcium build up and marks from not doing it. Therefore making cleaning the shower sooooo much easier.
The chux magic eraser are awesome for cleaning the white sole bits on shoes – gets them looking like new again
Use old toothbrushes to clean around taps in kitchen and bathroom and corners of shower stall
Always have cleaning cloths in a cupboard in every room you never know when you might need a quick clean up.
I love baking soda and white vinegar!! I use it to clean my oven and it works such a treat. Pams Baking Soda is the cheapest and you get the largest amount for your $$. I also keep old toothbrushes to get into the really hard to reach spots when cleaning
Toothpaste brings stainless steel up shiny as just place over tap with cloth then using dry cloth shine off.
Toothpaste is also great for scrathes on wooden floors 🙂
Spread your housework over the week and it doesn’t seem such a big thing. use white vinegar to keep the inside of your jug healthy. Also great for cleaning windows.
I keep a small spray bottle under my bathroom vanity with a vinegar and lemon mixture and every morning I spray and wipe down the vanity and sink which keeps it looking lovely and makes it easier to clean come “cleaning” day! I am the last to use the bathroom in the mornings, so even better I get to wipe all the kids toothpaste from the sink so it doesn’t sit there all day haha
For stubborn mould stains (on things like sealants) tear strips of paper towel, dip in undiluted bleach, place the bleach soaked paper towel strip over the stain & leave it there for 24-48 hours. Then peel paper away & stain will most likely be gone. Note, use gloves as I didn’t & I burnt my fingertips badly from the bleach.
Rinse drinking cups, mugs and glasses when finished. Then everyone can re-use their cup etc again. Creates less dishes!!!
The bathroom, especially the toilet! It makes me gag!
Baking soda and vinegar is great for cleaning mold and keeping it away
Cleaning my toilet I add quarter of a cup of baking soda to the bowl, swish around with the toilet brush. Whiter and brighter I reckon.
To get bad water stains off your shower door use liquid furnitiure polish with a non scratch scouring white pad and in circuliar motion clean the satins away, use a clean chux cloth with hot water to rinse and clean off, be like brand new your glass. Also remember to keep old tooth brushes super handy to clean in window and door tracks to get dirt etc out and nice and clean, wrap in a chux cloth for the final clean and job done. I do the house work and find these things to work well.
Found it on a facebook page and it definitely works!! Make washing powder into a paste and using it to clean the shower glass. Magic!
I always put white vinegar and baking soda in my dishwasher when it needs a clean.
I’m not sure I have a handy tip but I’m writing down all the ones above
I use toothpaste on an old toothbrush for a quick clean of the bathroom basin.
Im a big believer that if you clean up as you go makes life easier and the weekly houseclean but simpler ….and a useful tip for cleaning glass etc is white vinegar mixed with a little water ..seems to always give you streak free glass 🙂
Coke works wonders to get of stuck on grime, Just tip some coke on a pan with burnt on food leave for at least 10 mins then wipe clean!
for a sparkling bath make a paste of baking soda and water comes up brilliantly!
Mae sure the family is taught how to wipe downthe shower and bath after every use and you will no longer have to spend 1/2 a day scrubbing
Good old white vinegar and water makes a brilliant glass and mirror cleaner. Use the chux blue and white cloths for a great streak free shine.
Bribe the rest of your family to do the cleaning and put her feet up with a glass of wine 😛