Being pregnant for the second time I am quite often left with a feeling nostalgia towards about my first pregnancy. And, although not intentionally I quiet often think back to that time and compare how these two pregnancies are both the same and yet different. Neither one is ‘right’ so to speak just different. Funny how the second time around I am trying to remember whether I felt this way or had the same symptoms etc. I mean at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. I am creating My body is creating this amazing little baby. And it will be loved no matter what. I mean it really doesn’t matter if I was sicker, slept more, ate less, gained more or less weight the first or second time. What matters is the end result. The arrival of a (hopefully) healthy baby to our family.
All that aside… Some days I feel like I am loosing my mind! This time round (and I have no idea if its because I have a toddler, or what…) but I am suffering a serious case of Baby Brain. I tell you ladies prepare yourself. IT. IS. REAL.
I have always had a pretty good memory. This time around… it has gone! Completely and utterly packed its bags and walked out the front door, some days even taking my sanity with it.
I always thought the stories of finding your milk in the pantry and keys in the fridge were just that. Stories. However, after living with myself (if I can remember where I live) for the last few months is anything to go by. They are true. ALL. TRUE.
If I don’t write something scratch that everything down, then there is no chance of me remembering. Our house is covered in so many sticky ‘post it’ notes, it is starting to look like a rainbow and I am sure one day I am going to wake up and find one stuck to Sebastian.
So today I am keeping it real and if I can remember sharing some of my baby brain moments from my pregnancy with ‘Lil Gooseberry’. So stay a while, have a laugh with me..
- I have misplaced my keys and yes, I SO found them in the fridge (what my car keys and the fridge have in common, I have NO idea)
- Sprinkled my cereal with coffee instead of sugar, yip all true. Worse part was didn’t realise until I had poured the milk on (silver lining – it wasn’t on Sebastian’s breakfast)
- Totally lost the jar of marmite for an hour or so, and totally wasn’t MY fault. Sebastian had taken it for a walk into our wardrobe (just needed to add this one it was too funny)
- Put Sebastian to bed as per usual (after nearly two years you would think I would be able to get that one right). WRONG! After a few minutes he calls out to me, which he never does. I go in resettle him and go to get his dummy (hunt high and low, try and crawl under the cot in case its fallen down there). Nope, I have completely and utterly forgotten to give it to him. Biggest baby brain blunder to date!
- Milk in the pantry – check!
- Rubbish in dishwasher – double check!
- Empty dishwasher into fridge / pantry / anywhere but correct cupboard – triple check!
- Left the stove on – all the time!
So there you have it.. my collection of baby brain moments with ‘lil gooseberry’, these are just the ones I can remember, there will have been plenty more (just ask my husband or my mum) they are sure to tell you! Funniest thing is 90% of them are related to the kitchen, clearly I spend TOO much time in there. Or I have become completely and utterly obsessed with food (which is more a likely story).
Hope you managed to have a laugh, I know I would be. And remember we are not alone in this journey of pregnancy and motherhood. Anyone care to share their own ‘baby brain’ moment??? (if you can remember of course)! I can’t be the only be out there, share with us in the comments below
Oh I’ve so been there! Baby brain during my 2nd pregnancy was much much worse than the first time around! My worst effort was leaving a bag of shopping in the car for a couple of days with some chicken breast in it… the smell still haunts me!
Totally agree with you on that one. First time around baby brain seemed a breeze, this time I appear to have said goodbye to my brain as soon as I peed on a stick.
OMG I can just imagine the smell especially with your heighten sense of smell when pregnant too – argh, poor you!!! xx
It’s crazy what we do when our brain is full of that baby fog. I’ve just had my 3rd baby and I’m thick with it. I’m virtually certifiable. The other day I got to the front door and pressed the car keys button and wondered why the front door to my house wasn’t opening!! You’re definitely not alone with the kooky behavior!
Poor you Vicki!
Would you like me to write that certificate out for you (from one who has lost their brain to another)???
Keep going sister, we can do it xx
Too funny… that’s a pretty impressive collection! My baby brain is always worst post-baby, it’s the sleep deprivation that renders me incapable of a coherent thought. I remember one day I went out with my clothes on inside out three times (cos, you know, baby vomit means constant clothes changing required). One of them was a pair of pants – I did notice that the zip was tricky to do up but not enough to realise what I was doing….
Oh Zoe!
Three times a charm?!? hehehe… Guess you were trying to start a new trend, did it take off?
I am yet to put my clothes on inside out or back to front but give it time, give it time xx
Oh gosh, my brain still has not returned and I am very concerned for its safety. Maybe one day. I feel all these, I am also terrible with putting a pot on to boil and just never coming back… slight safety issue. I always over fill my pots.
Oh no!
Guess it pays to have a sense of humour about it otherwise I think I would go quite mad (some days I am sure I am already there)
I have to admit, I have yet to put a pot on and forget about it but there is still lots of time for it to happen xx
Oh my goodness! I encountered this too! I even wrote about a time that I stood in a convenience store asking the cashier over and over again for Gilette Raisins. She was so confused. I was so irritated and then she’s like “ooooh, you mean Glossette Raisins!” I wanted to hid.
I forgot things like CRAZY!
Thanks for sharing (and linking up to the #SHINEbloghop. This was a daily dose of giggles.
Wishing you a lovely day.
Always willing to oblige 🙂 Glad I could give you your daily dose of funny 🙂 xx