Firstly, I can not tell you how much of a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that the knowledge of baby #2 is out in the open. Seriously I can breathe easy without fear of letting it slip. Plus I am sure it is now much clearer as to why the blog posting has dropped off over the last few weeks. However , I now feel back in the game (so to speak) so lets get blogging…
Secondly, a HUGE thank you goes out to you all for the love and support you have shown our little family during this very exciting time. As you can imagine we are thrilled to bits and looking forward to what this new chapter and adventure holds for us. Last week I was fairly vague on details so today thought I would fill in some of the blanks and update on where we are with this here little gooseberry.
How far along are you? Officially 13 weeks and 5 days. We found out we were expecting at around 5 weeks and aside from telling our immediate family (parents and siblings) we have kept it a secret. As you may have read in our announcement post I am hopeless at secrets and this was extremely hard to do.
Baby is the size of a: Our lil gooseberry is roughly the size of a peach approx. 7.5 cm long and weighing approx. 30g
How have you been feeling? I finally feel like I am coming out of that first trimester fog and am able to get my feet back on the ground. I spent a lot (read.. everyday) of the first trimester napping when Sebastian napped as I just couldn’t shake the tiredness, plus I was in bed by if not before 9.30 every night (hence no blogging). I have suffered a bit of nausea and morning sickness but will spare you the details of that part. Let just say I am on the up and up now and starting to enjoy that second trimester ‘glow’.
Are you going to find out what you are having? This seems to be the million dollar question. No, we won’t be finding out. Steve and I feel there aren’t many genuine surprises as an adult but this can be one. We are both looking forward to finding out on the day our baby decides to arrive.
Does Sebastian understand he is going to be a BIG brother? As you can imagine at nearly 21 months Sebastian as absolutely NO idea what is going on. He is however at the age / stage where he is fascinated by babies (so I will take this as a good sign). We will obviously be having lots of conversations about the baby in due course. We have also bought him a book on being a ‘big brother’ which we will start reading at nap / bed times so the idea can start sinking in.
Symptoms: Aside from the awesome ones mentioned earlier – tiredness; nausea and morning sickness. I have also been suffering from some heartburn, my nose is like that of a sniffer dog and I am loving chocolate, chocolate, chocolate…
Looking forward to: Being a Mumma again to my little man, I was starting to feel like he was getting a raw deal with a Mumma who was wanting to veg on the couch most days. I have my next midwife appointment right about when this post goes live so that is always exciting and am looking forward to seeing our lil gooseberry at our next scan.
Missing: Selfishly cheese and a glass of wine although I am making up for it on the chocolate front.
So there you have it – a few blanks filled in and a little bit of an update of baby # 2 to date. Now I’m off to make a cuppa and have another square of chocolate before the lil guy wakes up
ooh yaye!! Can’t wait to follow your pregnancy Lydia! Congrats again lovely!! 🙂
Thanks again Charlene – will be keeping my ‘blogging family’ posted xx
Hope your appt with your midwife went well Lydia and little gooseberry is enjoying the chocolate as much as Mummy is! The best news…..hard to beat the news of a baby joining the family xx
Thanks Glenda. Appt went well, nothing like hearing babies heartbeat for the first time = magic! Hopefully in time for Christmas too xx
Congrats Lydia – such a blessing x
Thanks Lisa xx