Well, It’s official.. Always Made With Love officially turns ONE today!
It is slightly crazy to think that ONE year ago I started this here little blog with little very little knowledge or understanding of blogs and blogging. I just liked reading them and thought hey why not give that a go. Well, here we are ONE year on.
Always Made With Love started out as a hobby, a little space where I could share my ramblings, recipes and tid bits every now and then (safe in the knowledge that I always had one faithful reader – my Mum) however, it has grown into so much more than that. It has grown into a community, a space to share with friends and that my lovelies is all because of you – my readers. I never imagined that Always Made With Love would grow as much as it has in such a short space of time. I am truly humbled by the support I have received along the way. The likes, shares, emails and comments make my day. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
It has been a year full of learning, fun, friendships and the odd bump in the road (but it wouldn’t be worth doing if we didn’t learn something along the way now would it). In the last year Always Made With Love has had a makeover and has come a long way from my first nerve wrecking post. It is a blog filled with love, it is MY blog filled with love and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Thanks for sticking with me. Thanks for the fun and friendship over the last year.
It’s time to celebrate – with Cake of course, a glass of Bubbles (although not a bit later) and a Giveaway starting Monday 8pm – see you back here then!
Happy bloggiversary xx
Thanks 🙂 xx
Happy 1 year Lydia !! Such an amazing blog you have created, I may be a new follower but have instantly fallen in love with your blog. Congrats and can’t wait for many more exciting posts to come !
Hayley. xx
Aw, thank you Hayley. So lovely to meet another blogger and follower. Great things are going to happen to your blog I just know it!
I look forward to following along your blogging journey xx
Aww thank you Lydia, you really are the sweetest. x
Many belated congratulations on your first bloggerversary! 🙂 x
Aw, thank you Lisa! xxx