If you are anything like me, once you find out you are expecting that precious bundle (a baby, for those who are wondering) your mind goes into overdrive. Well, at least mine did when we found out (over two years ago) we were expecting Sebastian. You see, I like to be prepared – I was bought up in Girl Guides and that was our motto. So I spent hours and hours scouring the internet, reading books and writing lists figuring out exactly what we would ‘need’ for this little nugget. I wanted to insure the essentials were covered as well as some of those wants (or luxury items), our house isn’t huge so compromise was needed.
Strangely enough, one item that was completely over looked was a Nursing / Feeding / Support Pillow. In fact it wasn’t until I was indulging in my five day post C-section hospital stay that one was even considered. And my Mum (thanks Mum!) went on a mercy dash, grabbing one of those tri pillows. Now don’t get me wrong, it was a saving grace; has been used a multitude of times and I could definitely use it again, but.. this time I don’t have to.
This time I have been lucky enough to have been given a 4 in 1 Nursing Pillow from the lovely ladies at Babies.co.nz and I couldn’t be more excited about using it.
4 in 1 – you ask?!? That’s right, this bad boy does it all (expect wash the dishes and fold the washing) but close.
It can be used as a..
- Pregnancy Pillow – providing that much needed extra back support for Mum, perfect for those final few months or weeks
- Nursing Pillow – helping to make breastfeeding more comfortable whilst easing the strain on your back and neck. Because of its size, it can be easier to use than a bulky bed pillow
- Baby Nest – perfect for allowing your baby to rest comfortably in a slightly raised position; provides great support for tummy time
- Tumble Support – when your little one is learning to sit, it is great at ensuring they wont topple and when the do they wont hurt themselves
I am loving the fact that it isn’t too big, it will be perfect for Sebastian (big brother) to use and I will feel more confident letting him hold his younger sibling knowing they are BOTH supported. Already Sebastian has enjoyed using it as a pillow and playing on it (it makes the perfect ramp for cars in a 2 year olds eyes) and I can see myself having to jostle it off him when it come to feeding the baby.
An added bonus, it is washable – simply unzip it, take the pillow out and wash the cover. It is that easy (and hey, I am all for easy when there is a newborn in the house). Plus, this pillow comes in two fabulous prints the Jungle (which I have here) and Teddy Bear.
Seriously, I cant wait to start using it myself – and not just for zooming cars up and down 😉
Who’s feeling lucky???
…because the lovely ladies at Babies.co.nz have also given me a ‘4 in 1 Nursing Pillow (Jungle Print)’ valued at $39.99 to giveaway. Simply, COMMENT ‘pick me’ below. For an extra entry, pop on over to and follow the instructions on the competition post. It’s too easy! Entries close on Tuesday 17th November at 8.00pm. Winner announced Wednesday 18th November 8pm. Prize to be claimed within 3 days or redrawn. Giveaway open to New Zealand addresses only.
Good luck! Good luck! Good luck! CONGRATULATIONS >> Jade Jarvis you are our lucky winner!
Pick me! (Please 🙂 )
Please Pick me! My baby is 6 weeks old and I’ve been making do with couch cushions!!!!!
Pick me please!
Pick me!! Oh my bavk could do with one of these especially for night feeding!
Pick me!! 😄
Pick me
Pick me
Pick Me – great review 🙂 This would come in super handy for me.
Pick me please!
Pick me please
Please pick me 😁
Pick meeeeeeeeee ! X 🙊🙊😍😍
Pick me please!
Pick me please!! Would LOVE this for nursing my 7 week old 🙂
Pick me ! I’m in my second trimester and Would love to be able to get all four uses out of it!
Please pick me!! I would love this for my first baby due in March! 🙂
Pick me!
‘PICK ME’! 😉
Pick me ! Would so love to win this ! I had a breastfeeding pillow with Kaylah is which was awesome and have been using it for sleep support with baby #2 but it got a huge rip in it the other day so this would be amazing !!
Oh, pick me! Adorable patterns 🙂
Pick me 😍
Is this quute firm? Looking to buy 🙂
Is this quute firm? Looking to buy. Thanks sorry forgot to click notify the first time! 🙂
Hi Karen, Yes it is – I have loved this one xx