Over the past few weeks (maybe even month) there has been a ‘thing’ doing the rounds over on Instagram where you share 20 facts about yourself and then tag 20 other people to do the same. All the while learning random, weird and wonderful facts about your Insta friends and family. However, it did get me thinking… why stop at Instagram why not share to the world (so to speak)! So with thanks to these lovely Instagram friends @tallshorttiny @itsmariemade and @winterdesigns todays post is sharing some weird, definitely some random and hopefully some wonderful facts about me.
I only eat bananas in bread, cake, loaf or muffin form
I am 27 years old
Wifey to Steve
Stay at Home Mummy to 18 month old Sebastian
I am right handed
I am yet to dye my hair (27 years and counting
I have a younger brother, but he is taller than me
I have lived my whole life in Auckland
I had been with Steve only 6 weeks when I knew I would marry him one day
I am a girly girl
Feijoas are the best part of Autumn
I am looking forward to puddle jumping and leaf crunching with Sebastian this Winter
I am currently eating Easter eggs
Dark chocolate is my favourite
I have travelled to Europe twice and would go again
I have a pasta maker but have yet to make my own
I love it when my little man has 2 hour naps
Being a Mummy is my calling
I prefer using pencil to pen
Argh, is that 20 yet – cause this is hard
So there you have it! 20, yes 20 (I have double counted them) facts about me. Now is the spirit of sharing, tell me something about yourself! Go on, just 1 random, weird and wonderful fact
I am the exact same about bananas. Those things gross me out unless in baked goods form! Lol
Yay, another non banana lover. I get the strangest looks sometimes when I tell people.
Thanks for stopping by xx
I live in Port Hedland, which as its a mining town is full of Kiwis and they are always on about Feijoas – I haven’t ever tasted one, but my friend promises she will source me one somehow 🙂 My FB mother’s group did the 20 things a few weeks ago – so interesting to learn peoples different quirks 🙂
Hello from #teamIBOT
Well done!
I’ve been tagged on IG, but never participated because it’s hard to do on the spot. 20 things is a lot!
It’s nice to know you better. I decided I was marrying Boatman after 2 weeks, and it will be 10 years this year. When you know you know. 🙂
I had NO idea you are only 27! I’m SO OLD!!!!!! xx
Bahahah… NO your not! xx
Such a cool idea ! Have to agree with the Feijoas !! So yummy.
Thanks hun. Love your version of this post too xx
Pencil is so much nicer to write with than pen isn’t it? I only wish I knew who or what a feijoa is! X
Totally agree with the pencil 🙂 A feijoa is a fruit xx