Eek Sebastian, another month has passed us and oh so quickly! I can not believe you are now 10 months old, we are well and truly on the down hill run to your first birthday, please slow down just a little bit, I want to enjoy it even more than I already am. We have had a lovely little month with a couple of play dates which are always fun, we both get to enjoy them. You with your little friends and me of course with the other Mummies and watching you interact with the other bubbas. You are so sweet going up to each other and saying ‘hello’ in your own little language.
You have learnt how to say ‘Mumma’ and it melts my heart every time I hear it, such a lovely sweet sound. I could listen to you repeat my name all day. You are such a snuggly little man this last month, in part due to your next couple of teeth coming slowly through at the bottom and in part cause that is just who you are. Either way I am not complaining I love my cuddles with you! Probably why we have had to do a little bit of ‘sleep training maintenance’ of late (more about that another post), because even at 2 o’clock in the morning when you teeth are sore and then lately even when they haven’t been I have just been enjoying the cuddles.
You have now finished Baby Sensory Classes with Jo. You had such a neat time and loved the other babies too. You especially like the parachute and bubble activities at the end, and were so cute to watch, sitting there is awe of the bubbles floating around you.
We are waiting with baited breath for you to start walking and with each day we can see it getting closer and closer. You are very confident on your feet and will quite happily go from sitting to standing with very little help. You have even started climbing the stairs at both Baba and Brucie’s and Nanny and Poppa’s houses when we visit.
Finally little man, you love helping out, whether it is sweeping or vacuuming the floor, emptying the pantry, flicking the toilet roll on the floor, pushing the groceries or your high chair about, you want to be involved. It is so cute and I know your Daddy can not wait for the day you can vacuum without his help – heheh…
We love you little man, we love everything about you and you make our lives so much better just by being in it!
Mummy (& Daddy too, of course) x
Happy 10 months to your gorgeous little man x #sundaybest
Aw, thank you! Can not believe how fast time flies x
I wish mine would help with the vacuuming! She screams blue murder when its on even if its nowhere near her, I have no idea why. She just turned one and I can’t believe how fast its gone either.
Oh dear.. Funnily enough Sebastian didn’t like it at first either but now he can help, well its another story. Crazy, how time flies xx
I love the first photo of Sebastian the most! Adorable!! Locky loved brushing his teeth also and running around the vacuum cleaner. Is it a boy thing? He pulls it apart all the time. You will be amazed how much he will achieve and develop between now and twelve/thirteen months. It’s crazy. Once they start walking that’s it, they get into EVERYTHING! There are things Locky gets into I hadn’t even considered! haha.
Aw, thank you. Yip, think it must be a boy thing – he loves figuring out how things work. Can’t believe how much he has grown already, hate to imagine how much more in the next few months. Yet I am excited about watching it unfold before my eyes. I am sure there are plenty of things he will find that I have missed xx
He’s quite a cutie!! My youngest was walking at 10 months and it was full on, I kind of wish that he wasn’t in such a hurry to grow up!
I know the feeling, am counting down the days till he walks but hope that it is not too soon xx
What a little cutie, I love those smiling eyes. This is such a gorgeous age xx
Aw, thank you. Gotta love the blue eyes xx
So very very cute!!
Aw, thank you xx