My mojo is back! I don’t suppose you really even knew it had gone, but I can confirm it has returned. And it bought back my common sense and self confidence – yippee. So, now my life which felt like it was in limbo and my little blog which had been left to its own devices can get back on its infant feet. What does all this have to do with sleep though… EVERYTHING!
From day one Steve and I have been VERY (note the capitals) lucky with how Sebastian slept. I am not bragging here, I know that there are parents out there who would give their left arm if it meant they could have 8 hours, probably even 6 hours sleep uninterrupted. I believe whole heartedly we were and still are very lucky. However, these last couple of weeks have been trying and tiring in the sleep department or lack there of it. I know I am not the first Mummy to feel this way and nor will I be the last but dare I say it, all I was after was one night were I didn’t have to get up and be up for one plus hours, right bang smack in the middle of it. I was starting to feel like a zombie and was considering investing in a jumbo box of matches to keep my eye lids open.
You know how it starts, one tiny thing – being on holiday, teething, a long day, not enough sleep during the day, a storm, the cat jumping in their cot, pulling a chair on top of themselves, too hot or too cold, any number of things. And then one night you are so tired and the events from the day have thrown a spanner in the works and your only wish is for you both to be asleep because you know only too well the longer your little one is awake the more they need their sleep, so at 2:37am when you have been up since 12:22am the easy answer is to just snuggle them back to sleep, knowing that you can and both will be back in bed within the next half hour.. Plus, admit it I love those snuggle in the wee hours of the morning when it is only us two. A special, sacred time. However, before I knew it I was looking back and it has been 10 or more nights like this, the tiredness and tears start to flow. So there I am lying in bed one morning, whispering ever so quietly (so as to not wake said sleeping little man) to Steve about it is time for a change, I think we have to go back to ‘Sleep Training’. He agreed, he didn’t take much convincing.
We have done ‘sleep training’ (as I like to call it) a couple of times now and it works well for us. Sebastian also knows it and usually within a couple of days we see a difference. So that night I started, he goes off to sleep just dandy but 10.40pm rolled around and waaahhh, with my Sleep Training Mumma hat on (so to speak) I set the timer on the oven for 5 minutes so I don’t have to keep check and let him go for it. With any luck he will put himself back to sleep. No such luck, in I go resettle and back again to the oven timer, we continued this pattern for over 50 minutes, eventually perseverance succeeded and he was asleep for the rest of the night. We played this game for a few nights with more and more success each night getting the resettling time down each time. Then one night I caved, for whatever reason but that night both my common sense and self confidence walked hand in hand out the door. About the same time posts were popping up all over social media about sleep and little ones, seems I was not alone. All I saw though was how others were having success and I wasn’t. I was prepared to call in the cavalry (my Mum). What I needed was a refocus, I had done it before and I could do it again – pep talk over. Thanks Mum!
* Please note I am by no means an expert, this method of ‘sleep training’ as I like to call it is what worked for us. I did not use nor do I advocate the use of the ‘cry it out’ method, however, if it works for you- who am I to judge xx
This time I had a new lease of confidence (told you I had found my mojo) and with it everything else fell into place. Sebastian is now sleeping through better, occasionally waking in the night but only needing to be resettled once if he cant get himself back off to sleep. The spin off is great too, he is having longer day sleep (he still has 2), his teeth don’t seem to be bothering him as much and he is an all round happier little chappie. I am glad my Mum gave me that pep talk, I am even more glad the first couple of nights Steve stayed up and helped me (reassuring me this was the right thing to do) cause no one likes to see their little one upset and I am glad my mojo, common sense and self confidence found their way back, I was missing those guys.
Anyone else desperate for sleep? What are your tips and tricks for resettling your little one?
Lack of sleep for anyone is a killer, for a mum it is extra super hard because there is NO catch up opportunity – the days still start so early, the needs are still so many. The fact that mum has not had enough sleep doesn’t factor. Good for you for recognising what was happening, taking good strong positive steps to correct it and the results speak for themselves – happy Lydia and happy Sebastian.
May the sleep be with you!
Thanks Lori! It has certainly helped xx
Well done Lydia and Sebastian (Steve too!). I always believed you knew what to do and would do it when the time was right. You are an awesome Mummy, there is no doubt Sebastian is proof of that. He is adorable, even when teething he is full of smiles. You and Steve can both be proud of your parenting skills and how well your wee man is doing. I am so very proud of you my beautiful daughter and love our adorable wee grandson Sebastian to bits! xox
Aw, thanks Mummy xx
I’ve been there! I have 5 kids, and my middle slept through the night at 6 weeks. None of the rest did. I finally had to let them cry themselves to sleep too. It took about 3 nights or less of crying (only for half an hour or less usually), and then they slept through the night. Usually they were on food before I did this. My 4th was around 7 months and he kept backing up his wake time–he started waking up at 1 am and he had been sleeping until 5 am. I put him on me and he would fall asleep. He just wanted me. But with 3 other kids, I needed sleep too, so we finally let him cry too. Once he got retrained, he was great–and I wasn’t so tired!
Gosh you must be busy with 5! We have been really lucky, just slipped into some bad habits xx
I’ve been caving lately because shes been sick and I am too and I just cant handle being up all night rocking her back to sleep so I let her sleep next to me until shes back asleep. Shes normally a really good sleeper at night, but teeth and sickness are evil!
Totally know how you feel! xx
You are such a great mom! I would love it if you would share a picture on my Photo Friday Blog Party!
Aw, thank you. You are so kind xx
I feel for you 🙁
I have had to do this many times with Locky and I hate it. I hate letting my little love cry but there comes a point you just have to. I don’t let him during sickness or full on teething but I know him well enough now to know when he is unwell and when he just doesn’t want to fall asleep on his own. Kids are hard work. Exhausting. I hope you and hubby tare getting better sleep and Sebastian is more settled. By the way that newborn photo of him is just perfection. What a beautiful little baby boy! xx
Thanks Maria. It can be overwhelming at times but great once you get back on track. You are completely right – I don’t let Sebastian cry it out when he is unwell or full on teething but you know when they just need a gentle reminder that they can do it themselves again. Yip, loving a full nights sleep again xx
It is so difficult to stay strong during sleep training. It sounds like you are doing a really good job! Perseverance is the only thing that worked for us, but Buddy is now 1. Still sleeps 12/13 hours every night and 3/4 hours during the day. You can do it!
Visiting you from #weekendbloghop
Aw, thanks for the encouragement and for stopping by xx
I like honesty in your writing. Whilst this may not be your usual, it is so lovely to see behind the curtain that you struggle and are just like every other mother and are simply doing your best on not enough sleep. Well done. xS
Thank you Sarah x