The recent delivery from the Munch Cupboard of the Munch Baby Feeding Tray couldn't be more perfectly timed as little Miss Isabelle at 4 1/2 months is starting to get ideas about solids. My first thought to that is... Stop! Where did my baby go? And then I remember whilst I sure do love the teeny tiny newborn stage I am even more in love with her now than I was then. Then I start thinking about whipping out the blender and making my own baby food again. Don't get me wrong I am all for the … [Read more...]
Making Time For Me
I love being a Mum and am totally in my element. But lets be honest there are some days that can be hard work. You know the ones... you feel like you could pull your hair out; everyone wants something from you; you are being pushed and pulled in every direction and finding time for yourself even just a few moments can be difficult if not impossible. Yet finding those small moments is actually important for both yourself and your family. After all if you don't look after yourself how … [Read more...]
Life is an Adventure
When you're two years old life is one great big adventure! There is playing, running, puddle jumping, rolling, climbing, bike riding and exploring all to be done on a daily basis. Sebastian lives life loud and full of energy. ALL. THE. TIME. Seriously there is no stopping this guy, even when he sleeps you know his brain is ticking over reliving everything he has done for the day and planning what he will get up to tomorrow... With that being said he can be tough on clothes and … [Read more...]
Grown Ups Go Free with Kellogg’s
Did you know the best start to your day is breakfast? Did you know Kellogg's have been setting families up for the best start to their day for over 100 years? Did you know 30% of young kids' daily iron and calcium needs are meet by having a bowl of Kellogg's cereal and a glass of milk at breakfast? So then, what better way to start the day than with a big bowl of your favourite Kellogg's cereal, topped with fresh fruit and cold milk! What I love about Kellogg's is the … [Read more...]
4 in 1 Nursing Pillow
If you are anything like me, once you find out you are expecting that precious bundle (a baby, for those who are wondering) your mind goes into overdrive. Well, at least mine did when we found out (over two years ago) we were expecting Sebastian. You see, I like to be prepared - I was bought up in Girl Guides and that was our motto. So I spent hours and hours scouring the internet, reading books and writing lists figuring out exactly what we would 'need' for this … [Read more...]