No matter where in the world you are, when Winter rolls around it is time to bunker down indoors. It is also the time of year for snuggly blankets to make an appearance, gosh I do love a snuggly blanket. In particular, something soft and made from natural fibers; something that can be cuddled and snuggled and because of this - something which is easily washable. That's where Babu comes in - they have gorgeous bedding all made from "the natural fibres of organic cotton and merino, chosen … [Read more...]
Gaining Confidence With The YMCA Swim School
Growing up trips to the beach on the weekend were an integral part of life. As a family we would spend hours holidaying or day tripping at any one of our local beaches. I fondly remember hours upon hours of fun. So, as you can imagine learning to swim, and water safety were a must; and from an early age swimming lessons were a part of our weekly after school activities. Our Summers to date have taken a turn down the same path; with frequent trips to the beach, … [Read more...]
From The Munch Cupboard ~ Munch Baby Feeding Tray
The recent delivery from the Munch Cupboard of the Munch Baby Feeding Tray couldn't be more perfectly timed as little Miss Isabelle at 4 1/2 months is starting to get ideas about solids. My first thought to that is... Stop! Where did my baby go? And then I remember whilst I sure do love the teeny tiny newborn stage I am even more in love with her now than I was then. Then I start thinking about whipping out the blender and making my own baby food again. Don't get me wrong I am all for the … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Golden Month
Recently, I was contacted by the lovely ladies at Kiwi Mummy Blogs to review 'Golden Month' a book about Caring for the World's Mothers After Childbirth; I was intrigued and excited at the same time. Golden Month discusses and explores the changes a women's body and mind goes through post baby. It looks at how recovery is not just physical but also mental and emotional. Golden Month travels the world looking at how other cultures embrace the post partum period and the benefits this has to … [Read more...]
From The Munch Cupboard ~ Healthy Kids Cookbook
I love it when you come across a cookbook and when thumbing through it for the first time you want to bookmark nearly each and every recipe - that has to be a good sign.. right?!? Well, that is exactly what happened within minutes when the 'Healthy Kids Cookbook' came across my desk, thanks Munch. The 'Healthy Kids Cookbook' takes cooking back to basics. The recipes are made from everyday household ingredients, nothing fancy, so there will be no last minutes dashes to … [Read more...]