I first made these tasty little morsels for Sebastian back when he started teething, so about seven months ago and made batches of them as they store really well. Recently I haven't had any in the cupboard as he was getting bored and wanted a biscuit he could munch on right away. However, with the arrival of our molars (well, they are in the process of coming up), I have whipped up a batch and happy munching has followed. Teething is hard enough on our little munchkins at the best of times, so … [Read more...]
Bolognese Pinwheels
The last month as been a pretty busy one for the Ritchie household with birthdays, fathers day, a hens party and wedding etc... This has meant there has been a need for lots of quick, easy on the table in half an hour dinners that we can all (including Sebastian) eat. So I have been scouring my recipe files for dinners that fit that criteria. This one strangely enough is off the back of the puff pastry packet (I had bought it for a different purpose) however, it was a welcome surprise. It is … [Read more...]
Lemon Coconut Slice
This recipe was given to me a couple of weeks before Steve and I got married from his Mum. The envelope was labelled 'Some of Steve's Favourites' and inside was a collection of Steve favourite recipes lovingly handwritten out. I have treasured these recipes and have added them to my collection, looking forward to the day I would try them out. The other week when I found myself with a surplus of lemons I figured it was high time I put one of these said recipes into practice. I was excited to try … [Read more...]
Kiwi Mummy Blog Review ~ Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter
I was beyond thrilled when the lovely ladies at Kiwi Mummy Blogs got in touch with me to see if I wanted to do a review for them on peanut butter. I was even more thrilled when the courier arrived and I found out it was 'Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter'. You see I had been wanting to try the stuff since I had seen it on Campbell Live earlier in the year, however I was still working through our existing peanut butter supply... By the time lunch rolled around - I was in heaven (perfectly cooked … [Read more...]
Strawberry Ice Cream Tart
Now if you are more of a chocolate or caramel kind of guy or girl this recipe may not sound like it will tickle your taste buds. I should know as I more of the chocolate sort myself but it actually was. A lovely crispy buttery biscuit base filled with smooth strawberry ice cream topped with sweet sparkling wine soaked strawberries, delicious! Maybe it was the wine soaked strawberries that got me? Anyway, it was the perfect dessert for the Dads in my life this Fathers Day just gone, plus it was … [Read more...]