Over the weekend my Mum threw me a Baby Shower (or rather a Baby Sprinkle) to celebrate the up and coming arrival of Lil Gooseberry. My Mum planned the whole thing around a Buzzy Bee theme be(e)cause, as you know we have decided to hold off from finding out what we are having until the day our little one decides to make an appearance. Naturally, one of the afternoons activities or games we played was Guess the – sex, weight and arrival date. It was interesting watching everyone make their guesses, and would have been funny to ask everyone how they came to that decision, as long as no one started telling me because my backside was getting big (heheh…).
Anyway, it got me thinking on Sunday night, and reflecting on the Old Wives’ Tales and what they were / are predicting our little Miss or Mr will be. At this stage I have no firm feelings (or maybe I do 😛 ); I will just be super happy to meet our little one in a few weeks time.
- Highs and Lows – are you carrying your little nugget high then prepare for a girl; and if you can carrying low prepare for a boy {I carried high with Sebastian and I guess you would say the same again, GIRL}
- Be still my beating heart – is your babies heart rate measuring above 140BMP – sugar and spice and all things nice; less than 140 BPM – ships and sails and puppy dogs tails {I can not remember what it was with Sebastian, however based on my last midwife visit, a GIRL}
- Sweet versus Salty – craving anything and everything sweet then start breaking out the pink; craving salty and savoury then start packing the blue {was definitely craving salty with Sebastian, I could not get enough chippies / this time sweet, sweet, sweet – don’t even think of trying to stand between me and that bar of chocolate, so GIRL}
- Chinese Birth Chart – you can try it for yourself here {My sister in law did it for us when we were pregnant with Sebastian and it said boy / I have recently done it for the purpose of this and it says BOY}
- Spot On – feeling like a teenager again with spotty skin then you could be in for a girl {I have been really lucky with my skin, so BOY}
- Nice Ring to it – ever tested out the wedding ring theory??? {Nope me neither. I may have to give it a go tonight and let you know..}
- Queasy does it – if you suffered from morning sickness in the first trimester or still are (I feel so, so sorry for those poor women) then you likely to be carrying a girl {GIRL – but that theory went out the window with Sebastian}
- Partners Weight Gain – Will have to ask hubby tonight, theory goes if your partner is gaining weight alongside you (sympathy weight) then you are expecting a girl {Jury’s still out}
- Heartburn – suffering from heartburn then you are more likely to have a girl and she will have lots of hair, as you know heartburn has been my number one symptom, this time round, having joined me since about seven week {based on this GIRL, but a monkey as it’s been that bad}
- Left versus Right – which way are you sleeping. On your left then your expecting a Boy; on your right it’s a girl {I am not usually a side sleeper, but have tended to favour my right, GIRL}
- Truth or Hair -thinking about auditioning for a shampoo advertisement (your hair is that good) then you could be having a boy; looking like you need some shampoo then your expecting a girl {I would have no idea, I kinda feel like my hair is the same as it always is this time around… }
I think it’s a girl but that’s cause everyone I know that is having babies right now are having girls! haha. The hair thing is definitely not right in my case because my hair was all gross and fell out and went dry BOTh pregnancies and I had two boys! Can’t wait to see little gooseberry when he/she arrives 🙂 xx
Hahah.. I love your reasoning my friend!
I guess time will tell, not long now – eek!!xx
Sometimes, for me, predictions are not precise. Its GOD’s will if its a boy or a girl. Sometimes also if we ask for a girl, it will not be given to us but its the opposite. We don’t have to (sometimes) go with predictions. That’s only my theory 🙂