I love finding products that make my life easier as a mum, don't we all :-) So, when the Munch Baby Feeder arrived in the post, I knew I had found one of 'those' products. Let me just start by saying I have tried other feeders (the mesh ones) before; they definitely did the trick but I always dreaded washing them up, getting all that mushed up apple out and don't even get me started on banana!?! The Munch Baby Feeder has the same overall concept 'to safely introduce solid foods … [Read more...]
Sachie’s Kitchen Meal Kits
I have admitted it before and I will admit it again... I love food and if there is an opportunity to try food new foods then you will see me waving my arms in the air frantically trying to get whoever's attention. So, when I was approached by the lovely team at Sachie's Kitchen asking if I would be interested in sampling some of their meal kits, I couldn't say yes fast enough and eagerly awaited their delivery. Sachie's Kitchen Meal Kits aim to bring authentic … [Read more...]
Honesty. Honestly.
Earlier in the month there was a bit of drama; (for want of a better word) in the blogging world around the need for more transparency and honesty from bloggers in relation to whether something they have received has been gifted or not. It got the blogging community talking so the article itself clearly did it's job. Like all good debates there is two sides to every story and I will admit, this article and the subsequent conversations over social media, certainly … [Read more...]
I’m Breaking Up With SNAPCHAT
Today's post is a hard one to write and has been weighing heavily on my mind for some time now. As you may or may not know, one key aspect of being a blogger is keeping up with the ever changing face of social media and joining in with the latest and greatest to promote yourself (your brand). SNAPCHAT started in 2011 (which seems like forever ago) and has since taken on a very large life of it's own. I joined up very late to the party (we are talking May this year), but to be honest … [Read more...]
Cheese Puffs
I love the weekends! Steve is home and we are able to embrace a slower pace. I would say sleep ins are a regular occurrence but with two under three we are lucky if we get to sleep in past when the alarm would normally go off (so 6.45 am). However, snuggles in bed with my three favourite people more than make up for the early start. Our weekends often involve catching up with friends and family and what better way to catch up than over something yummy and freshly baked. Since I first … [Read more...]