Sebastian is ALL about 'under the sea' at the moment - thanks to both a recent trip to Kelly Tarltons and Finding Nemo (he is super excited about Finding Dory too). And with winter arriving here in full force, our days have become more indoor based than outdoors; I thought it was time to come up with some ways to pass our time when we can’t be outside.I have wanted to make this game up for Sebastian for a while however, have not quite got around … [Read more...]
Having Fun Outdoors this Winter
It is so easy in winter to want to just hunker down and hibernate till warmer days come calling. And pre children that is exactly what I would have done, I would have been more than happy curled up on the couch with a blanket and a good book; now though I actually like getting outside in the (very) fresh air. I actually think it's important for us to get outside daily and blow out the cobwebs (so to speak). Plus, it does wonders for my very own little pocket rocket - … [Read more...]
Under the Sea ~ Paper Plate Crafts
Winter is here and the school holidays are upon us once again. I have to admit, I actually quite like the school holidays (even though Sebastian isn't at school yet) because it’s a break from our usual activities. It’s a time for cruisier mornings and slower days. We tend to take each day as it comes; however, that being said, I like to have a bit of a plan up my sleeve of activities we can do. In particular, inside activities and those which can hold the attention of an active nearly three year … [Read more...]
Dream BIG with ‘The BFG’ these School Holidays
Did you ever have that one book as a child that you loved? That one book that left you feeling completely captivated and spellbound? That one that you wanted to read and read until you reached the end; then you wanted to pick it up and start rereading again? For me that story, that book was The BFG. Everything about the story was captivating. It was a book about dreams which left me dreaming. Dreaming of friendly giants, dream country and dreams coming true. Dreaming that everything and … [Read more...]
Be Inspired ~ Get Creative!
I have always liked the idea of being creative and arty, yet those 'creative juices' have never really flowed through my veins. I find I tend to be too OCD to naturally create. At the same time I have been wanting to find something that I could do that was for me and a bit more in depth than the painting, gluing and sticking that I do with Sebastian. Then, I stumbled upon the Warehouse Stationery's Inspiration Station. An exciting new portal with how-to videos, project sheets, … [Read more...]