Sebastian, you have been with us now for nine whole months, well actually its more like nine months, one week and two days but we will go with nine months cause I am wanting this time to last as long as it possibly can. It is actually hard to think that just over nine months ago you were still a part of me, I could feel you kick and move inside me and I couldn’t wait for the day I got to snuggle you.
I love watching you grow and change daily. You have lost that baby look and now look like a proper little boy (sounds like a line out of Pinocchio – heheh..) – a gorgeous dark haired, blue eyed little boy, with curls (can not forget the curls) and personality to match.
You have progressed from crawling army style to fully fledged crawling on your hands and knees and look out, here you come. Storm has learnt to be fast round you, darting in and out of the dining chairs and around the lounge to make his way out the cat door, however, you are hot on heels / or tail. You two are the best friends with you finding and chasing him any chance you get. He has taken to running back and forth up the hall way just to make you follow him too. Along with crawling you are pulling up and standing holding on to furniture, legs or anything you can get your hands on really. You enjoy making trips around Mummy and Daddy’s bed, squealing with delight as you go especially if Storm is on it (which he usually is). In the last few days you have even taken a few steps if holding on to our hands.
We have noticed that both your toys and Storm’s toys are multi purpose as the two of you enjoy playing with each others toys when the other isn’t watching and you have worked out the cat door. It was funny to see you and Storm on either side one day playing with each other. We have had some lovely family outings this month; a trip to Western Springs for a picnic lunch, play at the park and to see the ducks; and to the Hobsonville Point Farmers Market for their Autumn Harvest, were you got to hold a bunny with Mummy’s help of course.
It has been a lovely month my darling boy and I am so glad I get to spend it with you. It is so amazing to watch you grow and I look forward to what this coming month will hold!
Mummy x
My little cherub has turned just 9 months as well. It goes far to quickly! Beautiful post 🙂
Too right the time just flies. Love every minute of it though x