So here it is… My first bump update for lil gooseberry. In case you didn’t see my Facebook post a week or so back, I am one of those Mumma’s that name their bump. As Steve and I choose not to find out the sex of our baby until it decides to make its entrance into this world, it helps me feel connected with the life I am luckily enough to be growing.
I have decided to post updates roughly monthly. The time already seems to be zipping by… (I don’t think I could post weekly), I think it would go too fast if I did. Sharing this pregnancy is special, (I didn’t have a blog when I was pregnant with Sebastian), so as well as documenting this pregnancy it is a time for reflection on his pregnancy as well. But for now, here is how the last month has been…
How far along: 16 weeks and 5 days
Baby is the size of: Avocado – between 10.9cm and 11.9cm long from crown to rump; weighing approx. 110grams
Feeling: Really good 🙂 I have finally made it out of that first trimester fog and am starting to really enjoy being pregnant, that being said last week Sebastian was not 100% meaning neither him or myself got a whole lot of sleep, so we spent an easy week at home playing catch up and enjoying cuddles on the couch (just what was needed).
Symptoms: Am suffering with a bit of heartburn. This didn’t surface until the third trimester last time so I am expecting it to have settled in for the long haul. Not the most pleasant, but I am making good friends with a bottle (or two, or three) of Gaviscon. Other than that I am all good, trying to eat healthier – curb that chocolate craving and drink more water.
Enjoying: Seeing my lil bump starting to ‘pop’ out. I am loving lying there at night with my hand on my small (but ever growing) belly knowing that our lil one is growing bigger every day. I am also enjoying all the moments with Sebastian and as a family of three as I am well aware that it will change all too soon and I want to treasure it.
Craving: Still chocolate (although not as much as at 12 weeks) and funnily enough I am quite partial to an egg sandwich at lunch.
Missing: All those yummy soft cheeses and of course a glass or two of wine, I did have a cheeky small glass of bubbles the other night when we were out delayed celebrating our wedding anniversary watching a movie ‘gold class’.
Looking forward to: Seeing my bump grow and watching Sebastian’s reaction to it all. Of course hearing our baby’s heartbeat again at my midwife appointment, seeing our little one at our next scan and feeling those ever slight but there flutters – some pretty magic moments ahead. I am also looking forward to starting pregnancy yoga, because try as I might do some at home, it is not a happening thing. Maybe once I have gone to some classes again I will do a bit here and there. Not bump related but I am also looking forward to a trip to Adelaide with my parents and Sebastian in the coming month as well.
You can read more about lil Gooseberry here:
Congratulations! I love the stars you’ve overlaid the picture with. 🙂 Thanks for sharing with the #BlogFair.
Aw, thank you. We feel very blessed and excited about our new addition xx