I love the weekends! Steve is home and we are able to embrace a slower pace. I would say sleep ins are a regular occurrence but with two under three we are lucky if we get to sleep in past when the alarm would normally go off (so 6.45 am). However, snuggles in bed with my three favourite people more than make up for the early start.
Our weekends often involve catching up with friends and family and what better way to catch up than over something yummy and freshly baked. Since I first tried this recipe at the start of the year it has become a family favourite. It is another quick and easy recipe (you know how much I love quick and easy recipes!); seriously (!!!) quick and easy should be my middle name, especially when it comes to the kitchen, followed by delicious! These cheese puffs are perfect for those bring a plate lunches, and are loved by all ages. They are fast to whip up and are best eaten straight from the oven, or at the very least warm. Sebastian loves them and whenever I make them, I notice sneaky fingers creeping over the bench to get to them as fast as I can take them off the tray. I always make a double batch for this very reason, plus they freeze well and are great to pop into lunchboxes over the coming week and are a perfect on the go lunch for this Mumma too. I make them in a variety of sizes – bigger for Mum and Dad (then I only “need” to have a couple for lunch) and bite sized for the little guy.
These cheese puffs are just the right amount of cheesiness 😉 with a touch of bacon and onion. They are crispy on the outside; light and fluffy on the inside = perfect, if you ask me! I could eat theses all year round, but especially on a cold, wet, drab and dreary winter’s day.
Right, enough prattling on about them – here is the recipe and on a printable recipe card no less so you can print it off and keep it on hand for the next time you are asked to bring a plate (or just because they are YUMMY!!!)
- 3 rashes bacon, diced
- 1 small onion, diced
- 2 cups cheese, grated
- 1 cup self-raising flour
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup milk
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray with baking paper
- Combine milk and eggs in a large bowl
- Add remaining ingredients and mix well until combined
- Drop *spoonful's of mixture onto tray
- Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or until golden
- *when I say spoonful's I am leaving that open for you to decide how big or small to make your cheese puffs

Edited: I planned on sharing this recipe with you all ages ago, but #mumlife happened
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