Sebastian was a little Houdini when he was a baby, he was the master at getting his hands free. Try as you might no matter how tight you swaddled him, he could figure a way out. Then wake up. He didn't really want his hands free, he just didn't want them where I swaddled them. He wanted the freedom to move, not be swaddled so tightly he felt like an over stuffed sausage. So, a few weeks ago when I was contacted by the lovely Kim from Snugbags about reviewing a Snugpod Zip Up … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Educational Colours Art and Craft Range
We love messy play! So when asked by Kiwi Mummy Blogs if we wanted to review and try out the NEW Educational Colours Art and Craft range saying 'NO' was not an option. I instantly knew Sebastian would love the opportunity to 'review' (if a 2 year old can do such a thing) this fabulous range. What I did not expect was the HUGE box of goodies that arrived on our door step. I was expecting a few paints and even then thought that was cool, what we got... AMAZING is all I can say. Eight … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Finish Quantum Max
I love getting in the kitchen - baking, making and creating. I also love having people over - wining and dining (although less of the earlier of late). What I do not love is the clean up afterwards! You know.. struggling to get the tea towel to the bottom of that champagne flute and get those last few drops? Or else shoving as much as can possibly fit into the dishwasher and hoping for the best, invariably something comes out half washed or a … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Funky Giraffe Bandana Bibs
Bibs - something every mum knows a thing or two or twenty about. Before becoming a Mum I knew bibs were important, they were on my must have list after all. However, what I didn't know or what I failed to underestimate is just how important they would become. How much easier they could / would make my life and likewise how much harder. We used bibs pretty much right from the get go with Sebastian, he was quite a spilly baby and then a very dribbly one as he moved on to teething, so … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Pineapple Heads Bath Time Products
It is always a good day when you get mail that smells so yummy you want to gobble up! And that is exactly how our Monday a couple of weeks ago started, with some yummy scrummy 'Pineapple Heads' bath time products. I couldn't wait for Sebastian to try them, in fact I wanted to jump straight in there with him (they smelt that yummy). The Pineapple Heads philosophy is - No Baddies Allowed! This means they don't work with bad people, businesses or allow bad things into … [Read more...]