I love being a Mum and am totally in my element. But lets be honest there are some days that can be hard work. You know the ones... you feel like you could pull your hair out; everyone wants something from you; you are being pushed and pulled in every direction and finding time for yourself even just a few moments can be difficult if not impossible. Yet finding those small moments is actually important for both yourself and your family. After all if you don't look after yourself how … [Read more...]
Life is an Adventure
When you're two years old life is one great big adventure! There is playing, running, puddle jumping, rolling, climbing, bike riding and exploring all to be done on a daily basis. Sebastian lives life loud and full of energy. ALL. THE. TIME. Seriously there is no stopping this guy, even when he sleeps you know his brain is ticking over reliving everything he has done for the day and planning what he will get up to tomorrow... With that being said he can be tough on clothes and … [Read more...]
From the Munch Cupboard ~ Munch Eco Hero Baby Cup
Have you checked out Munch yet? Because, if not, you really should! They 'are an eco friendly New Zealand company that makes and markets products; offers ideas and recipes to feed the family.' Sounds pretty good, huh? What about the Munch Cupboard, have you checked that out? They stock really cool sustainable products like this Munch Eco Hero Baby Cup which Sebastian was lucky enough to receive the other day. These cups are really cool, they are made from rice husks, … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Organic Care Package from Tigs & Boo
There is something about packages arriving in the mail, that get me all sorts of excited (I leave the boring things like bills for Steve). Lately, I have been really lucky to be on the receiving end of lots of special deliveries. This one though, was completely out of the blue and JUST. FOR. ME. Eek - so exciting!!! The lovely Laura from Tigs & Boo had sent me this gorgeous Natural / Organic Care Package. The timing couldn't have been more perfect; I am now well into my third … [Read more...]
From the Munch Cupboard ~ Natural Wooden Baby Teething Necklace
Sebastian is now past the teething stage however, with baby number two on the way that means another set of 24 little chompers will be making themselves known to our household over the next few years. And if there is one thing I am certain of... anything, absolutely anything (especially at 2 o'clock in the morning) that can make the teething process easier for your little munchkin is a win in my books; especially if it's NATURAL! So, you can imagine my … [Read more...]