I first made these tasty little morsels for Sebastian back when he started teething, so about seven months ago and made batches of them as they store really well. Recently I haven’t had any in the cupboard as he was getting bored and wanted a biscuit he could munch on right away. However, with the arrival of our molars (well, they are in the process of coming up), I have whipped up a batch and happy munching has followed. Teething is hard enough on our little munchkins at the best of times, so personally if there is anything I can do which can, will, may make it a little bit easier on him I will. Hence when I found these little gems I was super keen to get in the kitchen and get baking.
Muesli Teething Biscuits – Recipe
1 cup flour 1 cup ground baby muesli 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons spreadable butter or margarine 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup of prepared formula or breast milk Mix everything except the milk in a large bowl. Rub the butter or margarine through the dry ingredients until it is all completely mixed together Slowly add the milk and mix as you go (you may need slightly more or less). You can stop adding the milk when the dough isn’t dry and crumbly any more and you can press it together to make a ball (I always find I need a bit more, but that might be just me). Roll it into an evenly shaped cylinder approx. 20cm long Dip a sharp serrated knife into cold water and slice the cylinder into approx. 24 slice. Pat them down to make even and slightly bigger Pop them on a tray lined with baking paper and cook for 20 – 30 minutes at 150 degrees Celsius, take them out of the oven when they are lightly browned and hard right the way through. Cool on a wire rack and store in an air tight jar / containerNow, time for you to sit down with a cuppa and knowing your little one will be happily easing some of the pain and frustration that comes with teething whilst enjoying something yummy and homemade too!
I would love to know… How do your little ones cope with teething? What do you give them when they are teething? Any yummy tried and tested recipes I can make for Sebastian?
Lydia x
I almost wish I had a little one who needed teething biscuits… these look great! I love homemade solutions like this. So much healthier than the store bought alternatives.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Jennifer, that is my theory too xx
Teething is such a horrible time for babies. So much dribble, pain and everything else that comes along with it.
Your biscuits sound awesome for teething, much better probably than those boring rusks 🙂
I know, I feel so sorry for little ones with teething xx