Sebastian recently started Preschool, three weeks ago to be exact; and in the weeks leading up to him starting I began preparing both him and myself for this new adventure. The biggest thing I did which I firmly believe made the transition easy was involve Sebastian in pretty much every step, this way he felt like he had some sort of control over the situation, plus it built going to Preschool into something exciting. I am happy to say three weeks in and he is loving it! Pssst... Want to … [Read more...]
From the Munch Cupboard ~ Munch Lunchbox
Do you struggle to come up with ideas to pop in your little ones lunchbox day in and day out? Are you looking for new lunchbox ideas? Do you want ideas that are easy, healthy and cost effective? Then.. The Munch Lunchbox is for you! "This book is all about lunchboxes for children and families. You will find recipes that are suitable for pre-schoolers and right up to teenagers. Many of our recipes could also be taken to work by mums and dads. We aim to help you create a lunchbox that is … [Read more...]
Who’s on Pole? ~ Book Review
When your Daddy loves Motorsport and is a Motorsport photographer it is inevitable that you will end up at least watching it with him at some stage! The fact you love it as much as he does is just a bonus (for him) and an added worry for Mummy. So, as you can imagine, when a book is released that incorporates both numbers AND Motorsport - you were destined to have it, right?!? Enter 'Who's on Pole?' A cleverly written children's rhyming count to ten book written by Monica … [Read more...]
It's official my little man is a big pre-school boy. I have been preparing myself for this moment for a few weeks now, yet when his first day rolled around, nothing actually prepared me for how I felt. It was a bittersweet moment. Whilst I am thrilled he is loving it so much and thriving at the new challenges he is facing, I can't help but feel a tinge of sadness. I have been put off sending him to pre-school / or kindy until he was three as I loved having him at home, … [Read more...]
Relax with Float Culture
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to try out a Float Experience at Float Culture in Grafton. To be honest it couldn't have come at a worse better time, I was deep in the throws of planning and putting together Sebastian's 3rd birthday parties and the thought of spending 90 minutes relaxing seemed a bit of a joke. But at the same time, I was thoroughly intrigued by the concept of 'floating' and couldn't wait to try it out (let alone have 90 peaceful minutes to myself). So what is … [Read more...]