There is something about packages arriving in the mail, that get me all sorts of excited (I leave the boring things like bills for Steve). Lately, I have been really lucky to be on the receiving end of lots of special deliveries. This one though, was completely out of the blue and JUST. FOR. ME. Eek - so exciting!!! The lovely Laura from Tigs & Boo had sent me this gorgeous Natural / Organic Care Package. The timing couldn't have been more perfect; I am now well into my third … [Read more...]
From the Munch Cupboard ~ Natural Wooden Baby Teething Necklace
Sebastian is now past the teething stage however, with baby number two on the way that means another set of 24 little chompers will be making themselves known to our household over the next few years. And if there is one thing I am certain of... anything, absolutely anything (especially at 2 o'clock in the morning) that can make the teething process easier for your little munchkin is a win in my books; especially if it's NATURAL! So, you can imagine my … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Keeping My Kitchen Clean With Dettol
As a Mum something I am fairly fastidious about is how clean my kitchen is. And whilst I know I can not wrap my family up in a bubble to protect them from germs, I can ensure that certain areas of my house are clean, the kitchen being one of them. Two products which really help in this department are Dettol's 'Healthy Clean Kitchen' and 'Anti-Bacterial Surface Cleaner'. Both of these products come in a handy trigger bottle and kill up to 99.9% of germs, like … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Eardrop’s Journey: Sounds of the City
Sebastian loves his little headphones, so much so that he will wear them even if he has nothing to listen to on them. So it was just a little bit exciting when the CD 'Eardrop's Journey: Sounds of the City' arrived on our doorstep. 'Eardrop's Journey: Sounds of the City' is a half an hour story that features real life or real world sounds. Sebastian loved going on a journey with Eardrop to deliver the boxes and discover the sounds, especially when they were all sounds which appeal to … [Read more...]
REVIEW: Comfort Food by Simon & Alison Holst
I love food! No surprises with that statement I'm sure. So given the opportunity to try out a new cookbook and you will find me running to the kitchen (although these days it feels a bit more like a waddle :-) ). Under the umbrella of 'Everyday Easy'; Comfort Food is written by household favourites Simon and Alison Holst and features a range of foods from soups, to stews, to curries, including a family favourite - macaroni cheese. This book doesn't just stop there with the … [Read more...]