6 months with my baby girl. Seriously? 6 months!
I know I say it all the time but where oh where has the last 1, 2, 3,4 5, 6 months gone? It honestly feels like just yesterday we were bringing our sweet baby girl home from the hospital. Like just yesterday that we were having squishy newborn cuddles. Like yesterday that I was soaking in that sweet newborn smell.
And at the same time it feels like she has always been a part of our family. Whilst I can remember life without her in it, I don’t want to. She was and is the final piece to our family puzzle. She completes our family. She completes us. She completes me.
So much happens in that first year six months.
You have gone from being a squishy helpless new born, who slept a lot and loved to be cuddled to a gorgeous wee chatty yet placid bubba. You have two teeth, a smile that lights up the room and an infectious giggle. You have mastered the art of rolling although you prefer to only roll from your back to your tummy and I can see you have plans of being on the move – you already turn yourself around in circles when on your tummy reaching whatever seems to be ‘just’ out of your reach.
You love to sit and love, love, love your jolly jumper – you could happily be in there for ages (which come dinner time is a real godsend!) You love your bottle and have recently started on solids, which you love. You are a little foodie just like your Mumma and have the yummiest thighs to match. You really have added so much love, light and laughter to our family <3
Sebastian absolutely adores her and takes his role of ‘big brubba’ very seriously. Already they have share this bond, this love which is like nothing else I have ever seen. If I ever had any doubts how he would cope with a sibling, they have well and truly been erased by the incredible love they share. He is the one who can make her laugh above all / anything else. While everyone else will have to work for it, she just grins and beams from the moment she sees him. She is always looking, watching, studying him. They both want and have a need to be near / with each other. It really is the sweetest and truly makes my Mummy heart melt in all sorts of directions.
Isabelle is the sweetest little girl around (true story, although I am slightly biased), she is my baby doll. We have so much fun with her in our family and I can not imagine life with out her. She is my favorite little gal pal, a mummy’ girl, my mini me and mini best friend.
I look forward to everything the future has to offer with and for you my littlest love.
Happy Half Birthday Baby Girl!
You r adorable and so is your beautiful family in every sense of the word. It is a pleasure to see the number of ideas and delightful stories you have for us to cherish. I have no doubt in my mind that you are truly inspirational to many others out there. A truly meaningful blog! Loved the Lydia then, and even more now!