The last three weeks have been Amazing (capital A - Amazing). It has been truly wonderful to have time off with my little family to recharge the batteries; take some time to find perspective; make and create plans for this little space and to just be in the present or moment or both should the moment/present permit.. :-) This little blog is a special place to me - a place where I can come and share my thoughts, feelings and ramblings as a Mummy to my little guy. A place where I share bits of … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2015
Hello 2015
Happy New Year Everyone and Hello 2015! I hope you all had a truly fabulous time celebrating and welcoming in the New Year. We sure did! My parents had Sebastian for his first sleepover and although our plan was to enjoy a gorgeous dinner at Mission Bay and see the New Year in, in the city. What we actually did after our gorgeous dinner was head home - we were in bed by 11pm peaceful in the knowledge our little man was in great hands, we weren't going to be woken up early and could have a sleep … [Read more...]