I can not believe that in two sleeps you will officially be 17 months old. Strange as it seems but until the calendar ticks over to the 27th, I can not see you as a month older. I don’t want to miss a single detail of you being 16 months old. You will have a whole month to be 17 months but for now I am enjoying you being 16 months. Boy has the time flown. Each month seems to be more amazing than the last and I am in love with you and in love with being your mummy. I was made to be a mummy. I was made to be your mummy. It is one of my greatest achievements and was definitely one of my proudest moments, marrying your Daddy is my other one.
This last month I have really noticed a change in you. You have gone from being a baby to being a toddler. It’s like it happened overnight, (you will always be my baby though). We have started at playgroup, wriggle and rhyme and returned to mainly music this month. You love them all! It is so neat to see you interacting with the other children and having different experiences. This morning you did sponge painting and spent the rest of the time climbing up the stairs and coming down the slide, repeat, repeat, repeat… I was getting dizzy watching you but you had a blast.
We have noticed a BIG change in your language in the last month as well. You are trying to say more sounds and words. You can make a whole lot of animal noises – cat, dog, bird, horse, cow, sheep and pig when asked and are also really good at following instructions. You know what you want and are doing your best to explain to us. We are working on our inside and outside voice though. A bit tricky as mummy is still yet to master that one sometimes but we are getting there. We can practice together, its only when we get excited – which sometimes can be all the time (poor daddy).
You love your bike, trolley (riding them backwards when given the chance), Thomas the tank engine, playing outside with Schumi and books – especially the pesky pirate one.
I love the way you give kisses to EVERYONE, even the lady at the supermarket behind us at the checkout. But especially the way you give them to me, when you come up to me and wrap your little arms around my neck giving me kisses and cuddles. It is the BEST moment and one I wish I could have forever.
I love you little man!!!!
Mummy xx
Oh my, what a cutie. It does feel like it happens overnight doesn’t it? My son just turned three and I feel like he grows a little every day! It’s bittersweet.
I know it feels like each month just whips along a little bit faster than the last… xx