I am so excited to be writing these little letters to you again. I have missed looking back at the month we shared together and remembering all the little things that happened. I can not believe it is two months ago since my last one (it has been a pretty busy couple of months with Christmas and everything though – so that’s ok).
Christmas this year was extra special, because even though you still don’t understand you were able to enjoy it. You loved the lights and colours. We set our tree up in the lounge and your were really good at NOT touching it. Occasionally you would look with your fingers not your eyes and we would put the decorations back on the tree together. Christmas day you were a sweetie, handing out presents to everyone; visiting the snowman and reindeer at Nanny and Poppa’s and saying ‘hello’. I love your face when you saw your bike – too cute!
On New Years eve you had your first sleepover at Nanny and Poppa’s this was very exciting for Mummy and Daddy. Mummy was also a bit nervous… You had so much fun and loved your morning cuddles in Nanny and Poppa’s bed. Poppa’s pretend snoring is the funniest!!!!
Daddy has taken some time off over the festive season. We made the most it – going to the Zoo, lots of walks, trips to Western Springs, picnic lunches and trips to the beach. You had your first ‘swim at the beach and LOVED it, you are going to be a real water baby.
We have enjoyed lots of time outside in the paddling pool, sandpit and playing with the puppy. We have even been luckily enough to be given a book ‘Recipes for Messy Play’ to review so have been doing lots of messy play activities. You love the finger paint and play dough.
I love sharing all these wonderful memories and moments with you little man. Can’t wait for more!
Love you, Mummy xx
Oh my goodness he is so cute! That smile of his is the best 🙂
Thanks Jen. I think he is pretty delicious but then again I am slightly biased xx